Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Final Exam Review

1. Timeliness- having to work fast on a project/ article before it is no longer relevant. 
2. Proximity- A deadline
3. Human Interest- Having a group pf people who would enjoy or relate to your story. 
4. Prominence- being important. 
5. Conflict- A problem 
6. Interviews- Asking someone questions for a writing piece. 
7. Research- Looking up information.
8. Quotations- The use of a quote in a story. 
9. Yes-no question - a question that can be answered with yes or no.
10. follow-up question- Another question that relates to a previous question. 
11. Objective writing- A factual article. 
12. Transition paragraph- A paragraph that introduces a quote. 
13. Hard news story- An important or deep story
14. Soft news story- a fun or light hearted story. 
15. Inverted Pyramid- using the most important information first. 
16. Third-person point of view- Writing about someone else. 
17. 5 Ws and H lead- Who, what, when, where, why, how
18. editing- correcting 
19. attribution- Giving credit to someone (citing)
20. paraphrase- To shorten
21. fragmentary quotation- an uncompleted quote.
22. direct quotation- In quotation marks
23. partial quotation- An incomplete quote
24. Uses of quotations- when someone said something that you are putting in a story
25. When to use quotations- When someone else said it. 
26. When quotations are unnecessary or not desired- When you can use it as a fact 
27. Editorial- and article written by opinion 
28. editorial page- a page that people summit their opinions/ feelings over something. 
29. columns- the form a newspaper article is written in or an article. 
30. editorial that criticizes- a article that criticizes a product, person or place
31. editorial that explains- an article that explains something. 
32. editorial that persuades- an article that persuades you to buy or go somewhere.
33. letter to the editor- a letter to an editor or publication. 

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

CE #3.2

1. It could of been 62%.
2. You can tell by the art that the author is being sarcastic, and that they do not really mean what they are saying. The guy looks a little kooky and his shirt is a conspiracy theory that is going against what he is saying.
3. The Merry Christmas law is when you can celebrate Christmas but you can't force or impose the religion or holiday onto students/staff.
4. Whole foods is being removed from the index because it is for the top 100 largest finical companies and Whole Foods has declined in sales since 2009.
5. Harry Potter yoga is special because it's all Harry Potter themed. You can use spells and use wands and imagine yourself almost being in Hogwarts. Fans can take a hobby to the next level.

In the article, it talks about how the older staffers who worked in the crime lab are going to be let go due to troubles and mistakes made. Out of 6 total, four will be let go while two of them will be kept to go through training once more. Many department officials have lost trust and faith in the ADP. ADP plans to go forward though, making further improvements and changes to their department. They have been shut don do to incorrect ways or practices they were using with the DNA evidence. Travis county will be having a lose towards this, the community needs and wants answers to questions that DNA evidence gives to some cases in the area. The fact that the ADP has been slacking and been improperly using the DNA and unacceptable. Due to this fact, the police department should take over because they maybe can run it better than the current leaders of the department. The police and the crime labs work hand and hand, it would only make sense if the police officials made the choice.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

CE #3.1

1. 11 people were injured at the Ohio State attack.
2. The word of the year is xenophobia and it means fear of foreigners or people of different cultures.
3. They can't escape the taxpayers and parents on their controversial policy which affects 5,000 students.
4.  Elise would like to have dinner with her mom, dad, and brother.
5. The app allows you to send messages through video and doesn't require you to be on the phone consistantly like in a video chat.

Trump made a threat through Twitter that if Cuba is unwilling to cooperate, he will cease relations with the country. He would want Cuba to cooperate by granting more freedoms to their people and the American people, as well as strengthening ties with the country as a whole. Some people believe this assertive take on the sensitive subject was the right way to go, because it will urge stronger ties and travel between the US and Cuba. However, other thought it will more than a single tweet to bring change about the relations between these two powers. Whatever your opinion on the controversy, the fact that we need to take a new approach on how relations with Cuba are handled is paramount.

Cutting off ties with Cuba would be a dumb decision, since we are already trying to move forward with them. We should not go backwards, we need to keep moving forwards with making stronger bonds with Cuba.

I would like to visit Cuba but I would only stay for a very short amount of time. I would only go if it was safe and secure for an American to visit legally. 

New relations under the Obama administratoin have helped commerce travel, commerce, and the flow of information to Cuba.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

CE 3.2

1. Nikki Haley, Ben Carson, and Steve Munchin are raising concerns with critics.

2. They have made new procedures to which officers have to alert supervisors if someone has felt suicidal, or has in the past.

3. Perks Inc is a mobile rewards software which lets the members make points through watching videos or shopping to redeem them for gift cards.

4. Dede Westbrook- Oklahoma Sooners, Lamar Jackson - Louisiville Cardinals, Jabrill Peppers- Michigan, Deshaun Watson- Clemson, and Baker Mayfield- Oklahoma Sooners are the five candidates.

5. If you go to Pt. Reyes, CA you can go on a meteor shower kayak adventure and a colored pencil workshop.

This story takes place in West Texas. The victory was that Iran High school football team advanced to semi finals.The tragedy was that the cheerleaders bus crashed on the way home from the game. The story uses quotes to further explain the story. This feature story is written in first person which is what we have been told not to do. I think the writer did that because they wanted it to be from personal experience.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Fun in The Sun - Short Story

It was almost the end of the school day, around 1:30, (school ends at 3:30) when I saw him first. It was the first day of the second semester and I was put into a new study period with a teacher with a name of Ms. Ramesh. I've had her as a science teacher as the year before so I was oh so comfortable with being hers for an hour or 45 minutes three times a week. So when I walked into that classroom, I knew I could sit in the very back.

I'm a good kid and student, a pretty innocent one to say the least, so of course Ms. Ramesh allowed me. I don't think she would let anyone else do that. I sat there already putting my head on my hand ready for this day to be over already. I didn't know it at the time, but this day would completely open my eyes to a new world of wonder and feelings.

I heard shuffling and laughing in front of me but of course I decided to ignore it. The kids at my school are obnoxious and idiotic so of course i'm used to it. I just went on with reading one of my favorite trilogies, The Summer I Turned Pretty.

"How come she has huge breasts but no ass?" A voice said in front of me while another laughed.

I scoffed with no intents of hiding my disgust.

"Do you have a problem?" A heard the voice say again, but this time I could tell it was tailored to me. I looked up to see two boys, the one with the crude comments, and the one that was laughing.

The one that was laughing was still looking forward, his black hoodie up and covering his figure. The boy that was objectifying women was turned to me with, I could tell his signature smirk. I could already tell he was unpleasant and honestly dumb. I looked at him with a very apparent annoyed face.

"I don't appreciate you saying such objectifying comments about women." I said while I laid back in my seat and crossed my arms. I want you to know that this was a year ago, and I was 5'1 and probably looked like a 5 year old. But, I was still trying to look assertive.

The boy let out a laugh and said, "And what are you going to do about it?"

As soon as he said that, the black hoodie turned around and looked at me.

I was fascinated the moment I laid eyes on him. He was mysterious and hypnotizing. I knew at this moment I needed him and all of his glory. He was stunning. Perfectly messy hair with just a little bit of scruff on his breathtaking jawline and oh lord, his broad shoulders. He looked absolutely admirable. I couldn't help but stare. And admit it, you would too.

"Sorry about my friend here. I hope you know I haven't said anything." Black hoodie said, while looking right into my eyes. I can't believe it, but i'm blushing! Why is this boy I don't know making me flustered? And not to mention I have a boyfriend!... of course i'll talk about that later. Right now that was the last thing on my mind.

"Well you laughing with him is encouraging him." I was able to get out of my mouth. He raised an eyebrow at me and put a sly smile on this face.

"Sorry about that then."

They turned back around and I was left confused and intrigued. Who was that boy? And why am I not thinking about Calum?


The end of the school day finally came and I bolted out of my English class. I wanted to get home honestly. I was at my locker putting my binder into my backpack when one of my best friends comes up to me.

"Hey Autumn! You're not gonna believe what Sebastian said to me last night." She said, an exhausted worn out face said. I simply sighed and turned my body towards her. You see, Sebastian is a real dick. Our friend group, which consists of Abby, Ethan, Chloe, Brittney, Bell, and myself did not like him at all. We have no idea why she is dating him while all he does is treat her like crap. I feel bad for her honestly.

As I stood at my locker listening to her go on and on about her and her problematic boo, she could tell I was thinking about something else.

"Earth to Autumn?"

"Oh sorry, go on."

"Autumn, what are you thinking about?" She said, clearly not caring about Sebastian troubles right now.

"Um, do you know a guy that wears a black hoodie and has broad shoulders?" As soon as I said that, her eyes widened.

"You mean Luke?"

Friday, November 11, 2016

Feature Story Brainstorm

1. My main subject will be my mom, Gena Janssen.

2. I can talk to her mom, (my grandma) my brother, (her son) and maybe her best friend Chris Murphy.

3. I think my topic will be about how for most of my mom's teenage years she lived in Italy due to her dad being stationed there.

4. I will write a first hand experience angle/piece on my mom's life when she lived in Italy.

  1. Do you think you would be the person you are today if you did not live in Italy in that time?
  2. Would you of rather lived in the states during this time?
  3. Do you think the culture influenced you and the decisions you made?
  4. Does the culture still effect and influence you?
  5. How do the relationships you formed in Italy compare to the ones you made in the states?
  6. What was the most memorable part?
  7. What was different about high school in Italy than high school in Texas?
  8. Which one did you prefer more? Why?
  9. Is the quality of people different? How?
  10.  Tell me one experience that you will never forget.
  11. Was it a difficult transition from America to Italy? How?
  12. Was it an even more difficult transition going back to America from Italy? 
  13. How did the culture effect your high school experience?
  14. How did the change of cultures effect your everyday life?
  15. Was your daily routine different in Italy than in America? How?
  16. Would you consider this a turning point in your life? Why?
  17. How did the change in location effect your home life?
  18. When you first moved, how did you feel?
  19. Did you learn to speak Italian?
  20. What was it like being a cheerleader?
  21. Were you more involved in school in Italy or in the US? How?
  22. What were your hobbies?
  23. Describe a day in the life.
  24. What were some lessons you learned throughout your experience?

Grandma Interview
  1. Did you see a change in Gena after you moved to the states?
  2. What were some of the things she used to do?
  3. How did Italy effect the family? 
  4. Do you believe living in Italy made an impact on your lives? How?
  5. How was Gena influenced by the culture?

Chris Murphy Interview 
  1. What was it like meeting my mom?
  2. What was your favorite things to do with her/friend group?
  3. How did her leaving effect you?
  4. What kind of friendship did y'all share?

8. I will do the interview during Thanksgiving break.

9. I'll do the interviews at my house, probably on the couch or sitting at the dining room table together.

10. I'll record the conversations and take notes on body language and facial expressions as I go.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

CE #2.4

1. The earthquakes have been caused by wastewater that they inject into the ground that is leftover from gas and oil production.

2. Open record laws are important because some things should not be hidden from the people, and his law makes sure it won't be.

3. The judge and her friend saving the kids from the car is interesting because the mother of the kids didn't even try to help, she simply just stood there. They then separated the mom from the kids due to this.

4. Lance Armstrong wants to let people know that he isn't just the guy that took steroids. He understands that was a mistake and now with this podcast he wants the message of him moving on with his life to be clear. He's not going to hide anymore.

5. I want to see Trolls more than Doctor Strange.

I have hope that Hillary Clinton will be elected as president tonight. History can be made today, the first woman can be elected into office. But this election has divided up our nation completely- and i'm scared for the other candidate's supporters reactions. If Hillary does win, Trump will say the election is "rigged" and his supporters will go with it and start major drama. If Trump wins, i'm just going to say it straight, people are going to flip out. Personally I want tonight to be the night to show America that a woman can be the leader of our country. She is a great role model for teens like me and young kids, it shows incredible strength and integrity. I am inspired by her, and I am not ashamed to say that.

There is no doubt that this will be a close call. It will be neck and neck, but I hope there isn't a pro-acted decision because I believe that kind of takes away from the process we have. Plus, when Hillary (hopefully) wins tonight, I want it to be because she earned it, not because our court came in and picked. Plus if the court gets involved there is a bigger chance of Trump having a higher chance of becoming president so we do not want that.

I do believe in the future our even top candidates won't just be republican and democrats. Our generation is the most liberal and open yet- and I think even our green parties can be very important in our future. I think we need to start thinking more than just democratic and republican- there is so many good ideas and plans that our other parties have and they can really advance our country.

If Trump becomes president, I will be concerned because I don't want the president of the United States to be a racist and an anti-feminist. He is disrespectful and untamable which are not traits I want  our next president to have. I will stay up to see who wins though, because I want to be awake when one of the biggest elections ever is finally over.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

CE #2.3

1. The chief Art Acevedo is threatening to fire some police officers because they are breaking police conduct and not reporting all internal affairs.

2. The fee for not paying for insurance is less than the premiums you pay for insurance, so they would rather pay a fee than monthly high premiums.

3. To earn a micromajor, you must take 4 classes, 2 have to be dual credit or dual enrollment and the other 2 have to be actual college courses. The students or counselors can nominate themselves for a micromajor.

4. Taylor Swift was the headliner at the concert and Louis Hamilton won the race.

5. I would love to MM&M Walking Tour and watch The Nightmare before Christmas.

I don't believe Texas has turned completely purple yet. Texas is a Republican dominant state and with this poll of Trump leading with on 7 points, it strikes my interest. I think the other races in our state are actually going to the polls this year to show their support. Trump dominates with older white people, while Hillary dominates with the younger people with racial diversity. And in Texas, we do have a lot of racial diversity. I think if the mexicans or black people do go to the polls, we will see that impact.

The poll was conducted by asking a group of people who they were voting for. Over half of those people were white, with about 20% hispanic and about 20% black. I don't think this poll can be that accurate, they did not go to enough people of color or just enough people in general- more people equals more accurate polling scores.

The people that were polled were asked what was the biggest issue, and the #1 issue they had was with immigration and border control. Us in Texas experience this problem head on due to the fact Texas borders Mexico. They also said the economy and jobs were very important, as well as education and health care. Those are all important issues, but i'm not surprised climate change made it into the top problems they said. I do believe climate change is the biggest problem here, because climate change effects the whole earth and how we live. If we do not make a change to dangerous gases being released into the air or the use of non renewable resources we will be facing the consequences soon. This problem really does effect the new generations as well as our daily lives now. We have the scientific evidence we need to back up the cause, all we need to do is just to let people believe that this is an issue that needs to be dealt with.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

SNO Online Papers

Bradley Barto wrote Obama disallows trans bathroom discrimination.

Bradley's story is about the new laws with transgender bathrooms and why it is wrong that some states are banning it. He believes it should be a person's right to go into the bathroom they identify with.

"The Eagle’s Eye editorial board believes that the Obama administration is doing the right thing and is taking huge steps in the right direction for the rights of transgender students."

They did give the other side of the story, but also told us why what they think is wrong.

I don't believe they were wish-washy at all, they had good strong facts that could back up the situations people are looking after.

No direct quoted used in this piece.

This piece is written in first person, you can tell by the use of the word "we."

Gender Stereotypes Costly for High School Women written by Emily Brediencach 

The story was about how media depicts the stereotypical and ideal image of how a woman should look, how unattainable these standards are, and how these portrayals are negativity effecting young girls. 

"Media images are quite a deviation from reality."
The author discussed that the media may be appealing to the straight- white male demographic through the views of women in different forms of media, and how uniform this standard is viewed.

The author stayed matter of fact when they discussed this topic, not going back on their ideals but considering the reasons as to why women are depicted in these ways.

There are no quotes in the story.

 The story was written in 1st person.

Gloria Gatica wrote Feminism Strikes Against Male Sexism

The story was about clearing up misconceptions about feminists and feminism, staying clearly their beliefs and challenging common thoughts people have on the group.

"I am a feminist because I don't think it's fair for women to have less rights or to have less opportunities."

 Yes, the author addressed the common misunderstandings that outsiders have on feminism and feminists beliefs.

No, the author was very mater of fact in her writing and stayed true to her views.

There was one quote by Mike Buchanan, leader of Justice for Men and Boys.

The story was written in 2nd person point of view.

Huntington Story

Around 10 pm in Barstow, California 53 year old Janice Jones was shot in her car by her dog knocking the 9 mm handgun off a seat and it discharged a bullet right into her leg.

Janice was eating pork chops with her dog in her motor home when the incident took place. According to Rye, a Californian Highway patrol officer, "It could of been a lot worse... The bullet hit 2 inches away from the gas tank."

Jones was soon taken to the Irvine Medical Center to get her wounds treated while her dog was taken by animal control.

"It could have been done with a little less abuse and a few more pork chops." Janet Ngo said, one of the animal control officers.

The dog was found to be malnourished and had fresh cigarette burns to his skin. Ngo said she might file animal abuse charges, as well as Rye charging her for the gun related accident.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

CE #2.2

1. The lab and the police department are attached, and some of the techniques used in the lab were starting to get questioned.

2. Laura's opinion is that the Texas cases are not fair and if you remove the structures to determine a death row, you will loose the power of the Texas Legislative.

3. It only deals with how transgenders are handled in bathroom/locker room situations, not overall.

4. They didn't tell their customers the "unlimited" data plans aren't actually unlimited, so once you hit a limit of data, it slows down your phone and service.

5. They think Dak Prescott should be the new quarterback for the rest of the season.

Last night the final presidential debate was on, starring the two presidential nominees Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. Donald being for the Republican party, he said he would revoke the choice to abortion while Hillary believes that a woman should have a choice and that we have come too far to go back. They were talking mostly about the problems the Supreme Court face.

The second amendment is a hot topic, with Donald Trump not being for any kind of gun control (like the typical Republican) which Hillary still stands for the second amendment, she believes we should be smarter and safer with the rules and laws surrounding guns. Now Obama has been trying to work on some kind of gun control for the past few years because of all the massive shootings that take place.

I believe abortion should be legal; women should be making the choices they want for their bodies, not old men telling them what they can and cannot do. Taking away abortion is just taking away another right. And I do believe we should have gun control. In recent years we have been having so many mass shootings and attacks because these people are getting their hands on guns too easily.

I do not believe in anything Donald Trump says, I believe he is all self defense with no actual facts to back up his statements. Hilary on the other hand has facts and has plans- which she tries to explain but of course Trump interrupts her every 2 minutes. I think she has everyone's interests at heart while Trump really is for a specific kind of person. I think if we want to advance with our country, Hilary should take the lead. She knows what to do in terms of making sure people will have equal oppurtinies no matter what race, ethnicity, or gender you are.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Opinion Writing Preview

Inequalities evident in campus sports

No writer shown, editorial

Their story was about how in school sports women are not allowed to run/exercise in their sports bras while a man can take off his shirt and it be seen as okay. In other sports as well some of the uniforms can be a little bit inappropriate as in too short or too tight but it be seen as okay because they are made to dress like that.

The opinion is that if men can do something, women should too. People should be able to wear what they want when they are exercising."If one gender is allowed this privilege, then the other should be able to use it. Girls should be allowed to remove their shirts and just wear their sports bras to cool down as long as guys are allowed to run without a shirt."

No they didn't, they only talked about their side.

I don't believe it was wish-washy, it was just laying down facts.

No quotes were included in this piece.

They wrote this in 3rd person.

Changes in the iPhone 7

Harrison  Louis wrote this piece.

Harrison's story was about how he believes the iPhone 7 is the best phone on the market. The new features and upgrades are a lot more impressive than other companies.

"While the updates may seminar. they're all been necessary updates Apple should have made a while ago, which is why I believe the iPhone 7 is the best phone on the market right now."

He addressed the fact that people don't like how the phone doesn't come with a headphone jack and then gave them why that isn't a problem.

No they were not wish-washy.

There are no quotes in Harrison's story.

His story was in 1st person.

Stricter finals incentive

Douglas Smith wrote this piece.

Douglas's story was about how last year the incentives were great, being able to use an unlimited amount, but now this year you can use 2 if you're a senior or junior and 1 if you are a freshman or sophomore.

"The way I saw it, this was just another action by the school that was taking any students freedom, even if we had only gotten those liberties in the last year, current;y I share the opinion of many other students on the matter which is a combination of resignation and discontent.

He didn't say the other side of the story, he just told his point of view.

Douglas kinda was, acknowledging the fact maybe if there was another way kids with AP classes should have more incentives than regular classes kids.

There is no quotes in this story.

This was written in 1st person.

Changes to schedule cause issues both in school and after school.

This story was written by Ian Miller.

Ian's story is about how the new A/B schedule that now includes fit for 20 minutes everyday is completely unfair due to the fact of now school is 20 minutes longer and due dates for classes are different due to different days.

"I think these changes made to the schedule are extremely unnecessary and unfair."

Their opinion was certainly not wishy-washy. They made it clear what they think is how it is.

There are no quotes in this story.

This was written in 1st person.

Epicene costs raises concerns over financial problems

This was written by Maria Demopoulos.

 This story is about the cost raise in the Epipen over the years and how it's unfair to the people who do have allergies and need them.

"The price for this life saving tool is incredibly ridiculous and inhuman to charge an amount for something that saves lives."

Not completely, but she did talk about the alternative to the Epipen that is cheaper.

This is not wishy-washy.

There are no quotes in this story.

This is in 1st person.

The differences in a hard news story and an opinion piece is that a news story only tells the facts, the story. An opinion piece is their story with it and how they feel.

There are not that many photos because it is telling how something effects them, not on the spot events.

Dress code, how school should get out earlier, why a female should be president, and how there shouldn't be any homework.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Personal Essays

1. Write about something the reader can relate to, something they can say "That's happened to me before."
2. Make sure they can't feel your emotion, just let them see your emotion.
3. I will make sure to connect all ideas back to myself to relate it back to "home." Make sure to have a hooking question, and a strong statement to really set your opinion.

Friday, September 30, 2016

The Big Day

Who? Ollie Mayfield
What? Doesn't want a wedding to happen
Where? Portland, Oregon at a church
When? In late August
Why? He's in love with the bride
How? He used his Volkswagon to drive to the wedding that was far away

The storyline that the commercial circles around is that a man named Ollie Mayfield is in a hurry to his best friend's Maggie Johnson's wedding. But Ollie isn't in a hurry because he's excited to see Maggie get married, but because he needs to stop it before it's too late. In his Volkswagon, he breaks speed limits and runs red lights to make it in time before he can no longer speak now.

The wedding that was held at the Roseleft's Church started at 4 PM, and Ollie was stuck behind a passing train. He got frustrated but he had to wait. He has known Maggie since the fourth grade, and he knows she is making a big mistake. This is his last chance to tell her that he's in love with her. His emotions get the best of him as he flours on the gas, not caring if he gets pulled over.

He makes it to the wedding, but at this time it's at that very moment he has to say it. He rushes into the church and the attention is now on him. The look on Maggie's face was something he couldn't read. Time was counting down and he knew that he couldn't ruin this for her. If the groom makes Maggie happy, Ollie has to accept that and step down.

Maggie got married and Ollie was left sitting in the back of church. He must move on and realize that she's now finally gone. The friendship is still there, but that doesn't help his broken heart he's left with.

-Ollie is frustrated that it's taking so long to get to the wedding. He's sweating
- He's driving a long ways for this wedding, the setting changes multiple times
- The bride is looking off in the distance through the window like she is expecting him
- Her father keeps looking at his watch
- When he arrives she double-takes when she sees him
- Then she looks down like she's ashamed when the groom sees

 Ollie is rushing into the storm, sweat droplets trickling down his forehead as he gets more and more nervous for what's to come. His old Volkswagon doesn't seem to be going as fast as he wants as he starts to get frustrated. Ollie is expected at a wedding, but not his own. Maggie Johnson is patiently waiting 100 miles away at a church in a wedding gown for Ollie to show up. Her bridesmaids excitedly fix her hair and adjust the dress, ready for the ceremony between Maggie and Tristan to start.

Maggie starts to worry, she is in love with Tristan but Ollie has been in her life for so long, since 4th grade, and it's seems to have more than just friendly feelings. The cheers around her and laughter take her out of her state and she realizes the show has to go on. If Ollie doesn't show up today, it just isn't meant to be.

Ollie is battling the clock, breaking speed limits and passing cars as he is now focused to get there. He needs Maggie, she is everything he has ever wanted. He cannot bear to see Maggie with Tristan- his heart breaks even more each time. He knows she's making a mistake. He thinks that a part of Maggie knows she is making a mistake as well. As he goes down the rain soaked street, he wonders if she is thinking about him too.

She can hear the people start to crowd into the ceremony hall and her anxiety starts to rise. In about half an hour she will be married to someone other than Ollie. Her father can tell that the nerves are getting to her. He also knows that she's not thinking about Tristan, but Ollie. The father knows that he's on the way, coming to save his daughter from the mistake she's about to make.

Sitting and waiting for a train to pass seems like a lifetime to Ollie. The watch on his right wrist seems to be ticking by faster than ever. Tired and frustrated shouts come out of Ollie's mouth, echoing through the small car. He begins to bang on the steering wheel and the stress starts to flow out of him. His breathing slowly starts to get steady as the train gets shorter and shorter. As it ends, a long sigh leaves his mouth as he puts his foot back on the gas.

The ceremony has started, and as Maggie stands there in her long angel white dress at the alter, the man in front of her is the only one not on her mind. She looks at her dad and sighs. Maggie starts to feel let down and tired. She must of gotten her hopes up too high, maybe Ollie doesn't feel the same. The smile that's on Tristan's face makes her feel worse.

A loud noise erupts throughout the church hall and everyone turns to see where it came from. Ollie is standing there, at the entry of the church in a black and white tux with the still prominent sweat saturated forehead. Maggie's head turns to the noise and her eyes go wide. She quickly looks back to see Tristan looking at Ollie with a stern look on his face. She puts her head down in shame, knowing that Tristan is disappointed with her. Ollie has always been a threat to Tristan, but Maggie has always reassured him that he's always just her best friend. With Ollie now here to break the peace Tristan's heart starts to sink.

The priest's words "Speak now or forever hold your peace." dance around the room and Ollie stands in the middle of the isle looking no where but Maggie. Maggie's heart starts to race as she knows what's going to come out of Ollie's mouth next, and she's ready for it.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

CE #1.4

1. The violent crime rate in Austin has dropped 6%, but has increased 7% outside the city.
2. It cost about $9,589 dollars for one year of child care.
3. Two tips to not be a victim of crime at ACL is to not walk distracted and to of course lock your car and take the keys.
4. JJ Watt has an injured back.
5. Some style tips for a music festival is to wear vintage clothing and big dramatic sunglasses.

The 9/11 bill states that families of 9/11 victims can sue Saudi Arabia to get legal justice. This is Obama's first bill to be over-rided in his presidency. Obama warned Congress that with this veto that it could be devastating to the Department of Defense. He was also worried that it could effect their relationships with foreign countries and communities.

To me, I don't understand how you can sue a whole country. The whole country of Saudi Arabia didn't plan to do 9/11, a specific group IN Saudi Arabia did. The whole bill seems really broad to me, like there is so much that the victims could take advantage of or they could get seriously in trouble. The victims and families of victims are supposed to sue another country for an act that a group of terrorists did. What kind of money could they get from them? And why is it the country's fault? I don't think American's should be able to sue another country, it's not fair to the innocent people that are just bystanders in the situation.

I do believe that some repercussions will happen because of this situation. The power a country has is much stronger than some people from America. It's dangerous that we are suing a country that we are already not on good terms with, we do not know how they can react to the lawsuits. To me, there is a lot of things that are just not mentioned with this bill. The United States could be making a mistake, or they could of made a great choice. We just need to see how it plays out, and get more details on the specifics of this bill.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Student of the Month Story

During the month of September, freshman Natalie Amen has won Student of the Month at James Bowie High School. 

"I earned it by sticking out academically and socially," the honor winner Natalie Amen said. "It was completely out of the blue. I was truly surprised." With her 4.2 GPA and impressive after school activities, we are certainly not surprised that she is this month's winner. 

Even her Pre-Ap English teacher Ms. Planket, was anticipating this moment. "She's in my top 5. Not just for academics but for her attitude and personality in class." Ms. Planket was also one of the staff members who voted for Natalie.

The class that Ms. Planket teaches Natalie in is one of Planket's biggest classes, containing 38 kids. According to other students in that class, it's like Natalie is the teacher! "Sometimes i'm afraid she'll steal my job." Ms. Planket jokes.

But maybe not everyone is happy with Natalie being the Student of the Month. Gloriana Lopez, Natalie's best friend, seems to be envious of this. "I think I do." Gloriana said when I asked her if she believes she deserves the title more than Natalie. She quickly states after, "But if I don't get it then Natalie definitely deserves it."

Natalie and Gloriana have been best friends for 5 years, never leaving each other's side. "I even stuck around when Natalie was quite the slacker!" Gloriana exclaims. “I would have to force her to study. Now she’s the one forcing me to study!”

Natalie Amen, a slacker at one point? It's hard to believe, I know. "Actually last year I was a slacker," Natalie said. "But during the summer I went to a convention called Young Motivators in Mexico for a few days and I quickly picked up on some tips." She learned how to pull herself together and how to organize her work and   time.

Now being a star student, she keeps up with her work and responsibilities. "I am definitely thankful for the experience, I wouldn't be here without it!" She laughs. Even though she truly is thrilled about the whole situation, her responsibilities and activities get very overwhelming at times. "It is too stressful sometimes. When that happens I like to go to the spa for the weekend to relax, so I can give 110% the next monday." Natalie goes on to say, "If I work hard, don't I deserve a treat?"

Even if she's getting home at 10pm every night, she still finds time to study. "You must find time for the things that matter. Studying and being amazing are things that matter to me." Natalie says. "I chose to do the things I do, I must do my best." 

Her schedule consists of being the president and founder of the new club Young Motivators, inspired by her trip this summer, being captain of the cheer team, and she working at Amy's Ice Cream! With that in mind, it's hard to believe that she's able to do so well at everything she does. “I always knew I could handle everything.” The 14 year old states. “I believe i’m in this position for a reason.” You can ask anyone, Natalie Amen is the definition of what the student of the month should be.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

The Lead/Notes

Who? Natalie Amen, Freshman, 14
What? Student of the Month honor receiver
Where? Bowie High School, Austin Texas
Why? 4.5 GPA
When? September 2016
How? Chosen by staff and principal, presented in front of whole school

Freshman Natalie Amen has won Student of the Month at James Bowie High School in September of 2016. 18 words

Inverted Pyramid

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Additional Student of the Month Interviews

Interview with Natalie's best friend, Gloriana Lopez
  1. Do you feel that this honor has gone to Natalie's head? Not exactly, Natalie has just always been very confident and popular. She can handle anything that is put in front of her.
  2. Gloriana, do you have the same interests as Natalie, like studying and keeping a busy schedule? I like to study too, I think even more than her. Sometimes she copies my notes. But we're best friends because we work well together to keep each other motivated.
  3. I sense some competition, do you think you deserved this honor?  I think I do, but if I don't get it then definitely Natalie deserves it. And no competition, just stating facts.
  4. Is being around Natalie overwhelming sometimes? Does she make you work with her? She always makes me work with her. Anywhere is a place to study with Natalie! 
  5. What do you think she's going to do next? I think she's just going to try to be even better. She's definitely going to be pushing my limits soon! 

Interview with Natalie's favorite teacher, Ms. Planket 
  1. What subject do you teach? I teach Pre-Ap English.
  2. How is it having Natalie in one of your classes? Natalie is a ray of sunshine for sure. I love having her, she really makes the class bearable. 
  3. Is she one of your best students? Definitely. I think she's in my top 5. Not just for academics, but for her attitude and personality in class too.
  4. Were you one of the teachers to nominate her for this honor? Of course! She is the one that deserves it the most.
  5. What is your favorite thing about having Natalie as a student? She's always willing to work. She will do anything you put in front of her, and she does it the best. Not just well, but the best. She is a truly talented kid.

Student of the Month Official Interview

Student of the Month Interview with Natalie Amen

  1. How does it feel to have this title?  I am very happy, excited, and on top of the world. It's a dream come true!
  2. Did you expect to be honored with this title? No, it was totally out of the blue! I was completely surprised.
  3. Do people now know you but you don't even know them? Probably but that was how it was before, but I bet even more people know me now. 
  4. Have people now treated you differently? My peers are treating me the same but my parents are giving me special treatment like a fancy dinner with my mom and my brother and my dad bought me a puppy.
  5. Do you now feel obligated to be the best at what you do? I already am the best this just adds another layer of pressure. It's just the way it's gonna be.
  6. If so, is the pressure too much sometimes? Sometimes it's too stressful. so I go to the spa for the weekend and relax. So on Monday, i'm ready to give 110%.
  7. How has your family reacted to the news? They are so excited! They were even more surprised than me!
  8. How do you stay focused on your schoolwork and not let other things going on in your life effect it? Well I keep a very packed schedule but you must allow time for the things that matter. Studying and being amazing are some of my things that matter.
  9. Have you always been focused and motivated or has this been a self improving thing over the past months? Actually last year I was a slacker but over the summer I went to a convention called Young Motivators in Mexico for a few days and they really inspired me to bring my all to the table.
  10.  What do you think earned you this title? I earned it by sticking out in social and academic ways.
  11. What is some advice for the other students that want to become more responsible about their school work? Other students should organize themselves better, like me! Set at least five goals a day. Me being me, I set 6!
  12. Do you struggle with balancing other things that go on in your life with your academics? Sometimes, but remember you need to set time for the other things that matter.
  13. Have you ever thought about wanting to give up, that all of this work is just too much? Honestly I haven't! I always knew I can handle everything. Stress is a rare thing.
  14. If so, what is the way you recover from those thoughts? (She can handle it!)
  15. Do you believe that the people you surround yourself with can effect your actions? Definitely, that's why you only choose the good people to be around.
  16. Teachers are a big part of how you enjoy a subject. How do you handle teachers that might not be the best at making you interested in the class? If I had a teacher that was bad, I would switch to the another class with a great teacher. I only get the best teachers, don't settle for less!
  17.  Are you excited for what's to come from this achievement? Yes I am so excited! I will be presented this honor in front of the entire school, which is amazing!
  18. Do you receive more attention due to this achievement by your classmates? Yes, but it's nothing that i'm not used to.
  19. What are you going to do next? I am going to continue to be positive and make sure people look up to me more than they already do.
  20. Who/what inspires you the most to do the best you can? Rachel Berry from Glee! She's just like me and always knows what she's doing. She's a total role model.