Tuesday, November 8, 2016

CE #2.4

1. The earthquakes have been caused by wastewater that they inject into the ground that is leftover from gas and oil production.

2. Open record laws are important because some things should not be hidden from the people, and his law makes sure it won't be.

3. The judge and her friend saving the kids from the car is interesting because the mother of the kids didn't even try to help, she simply just stood there. They then separated the mom from the kids due to this.

4. Lance Armstrong wants to let people know that he isn't just the guy that took steroids. He understands that was a mistake and now with this podcast he wants the message of him moving on with his life to be clear. He's not going to hide anymore.

5. I want to see Trolls more than Doctor Strange.

I have hope that Hillary Clinton will be elected as president tonight. History can be made today, the first woman can be elected into office. But this election has divided up our nation completely- and i'm scared for the other candidate's supporters reactions. If Hillary does win, Trump will say the election is "rigged" and his supporters will go with it and start major drama. If Trump wins, i'm just going to say it straight, people are going to flip out. Personally I want tonight to be the night to show America that a woman can be the leader of our country. She is a great role model for teens like me and young kids, it shows incredible strength and integrity. I am inspired by her, and I am not ashamed to say that.

There is no doubt that this will be a close call. It will be neck and neck, but I hope there isn't a pro-acted decision because I believe that kind of takes away from the process we have. Plus, when Hillary (hopefully) wins tonight, I want it to be because she earned it, not because our court came in and picked. Plus if the court gets involved there is a bigger chance of Trump having a higher chance of becoming president so we do not want that.

I do believe in the future our even top candidates won't just be republican and democrats. Our generation is the most liberal and open yet- and I think even our green parties can be very important in our future. I think we need to start thinking more than just democratic and republican- there is so many good ideas and plans that our other parties have and they can really advance our country.

If Trump becomes president, I will be concerned because I don't want the president of the United States to be a racist and an anti-feminist. He is disrespectful and untamable which are not traits I want  our next president to have. I will stay up to see who wins though, because I want to be awake when one of the biggest elections ever is finally over.

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