Thursday, October 27, 2016

CE #2.3

1. The chief Art Acevedo is threatening to fire some police officers because they are breaking police conduct and not reporting all internal affairs.

2. The fee for not paying for insurance is less than the premiums you pay for insurance, so they would rather pay a fee than monthly high premiums.

3. To earn a micromajor, you must take 4 classes, 2 have to be dual credit or dual enrollment and the other 2 have to be actual college courses. The students or counselors can nominate themselves for a micromajor.

4. Taylor Swift was the headliner at the concert and Louis Hamilton won the race.

5. I would love to MM&M Walking Tour and watch The Nightmare before Christmas.

I don't believe Texas has turned completely purple yet. Texas is a Republican dominant state and with this poll of Trump leading with on 7 points, it strikes my interest. I think the other races in our state are actually going to the polls this year to show their support. Trump dominates with older white people, while Hillary dominates with the younger people with racial diversity. And in Texas, we do have a lot of racial diversity. I think if the mexicans or black people do go to the polls, we will see that impact.

The poll was conducted by asking a group of people who they were voting for. Over half of those people were white, with about 20% hispanic and about 20% black. I don't think this poll can be that accurate, they did not go to enough people of color or just enough people in general- more people equals more accurate polling scores.

The people that were polled were asked what was the biggest issue, and the #1 issue they had was with immigration and border control. Us in Texas experience this problem head on due to the fact Texas borders Mexico. They also said the economy and jobs were very important, as well as education and health care. Those are all important issues, but i'm not surprised climate change made it into the top problems they said. I do believe climate change is the biggest problem here, because climate change effects the whole earth and how we live. If we do not make a change to dangerous gases being released into the air or the use of non renewable resources we will be facing the consequences soon. This problem really does effect the new generations as well as our daily lives now. We have the scientific evidence we need to back up the cause, all we need to do is just to let people believe that this is an issue that needs to be dealt with.

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