Friday, September 30, 2016

The Big Day

Who? Ollie Mayfield
What? Doesn't want a wedding to happen
Where? Portland, Oregon at a church
When? In late August
Why? He's in love with the bride
How? He used his Volkswagon to drive to the wedding that was far away

The storyline that the commercial circles around is that a man named Ollie Mayfield is in a hurry to his best friend's Maggie Johnson's wedding. But Ollie isn't in a hurry because he's excited to see Maggie get married, but because he needs to stop it before it's too late. In his Volkswagon, he breaks speed limits and runs red lights to make it in time before he can no longer speak now.

The wedding that was held at the Roseleft's Church started at 4 PM, and Ollie was stuck behind a passing train. He got frustrated but he had to wait. He has known Maggie since the fourth grade, and he knows she is making a big mistake. This is his last chance to tell her that he's in love with her. His emotions get the best of him as he flours on the gas, not caring if he gets pulled over.

He makes it to the wedding, but at this time it's at that very moment he has to say it. He rushes into the church and the attention is now on him. The look on Maggie's face was something he couldn't read. Time was counting down and he knew that he couldn't ruin this for her. If the groom makes Maggie happy, Ollie has to accept that and step down.

Maggie got married and Ollie was left sitting in the back of church. He must move on and realize that she's now finally gone. The friendship is still there, but that doesn't help his broken heart he's left with.

-Ollie is frustrated that it's taking so long to get to the wedding. He's sweating
- He's driving a long ways for this wedding, the setting changes multiple times
- The bride is looking off in the distance through the window like she is expecting him
- Her father keeps looking at his watch
- When he arrives she double-takes when she sees him
- Then she looks down like she's ashamed when the groom sees

 Ollie is rushing into the storm, sweat droplets trickling down his forehead as he gets more and more nervous for what's to come. His old Volkswagon doesn't seem to be going as fast as he wants as he starts to get frustrated. Ollie is expected at a wedding, but not his own. Maggie Johnson is patiently waiting 100 miles away at a church in a wedding gown for Ollie to show up. Her bridesmaids excitedly fix her hair and adjust the dress, ready for the ceremony between Maggie and Tristan to start.

Maggie starts to worry, she is in love with Tristan but Ollie has been in her life for so long, since 4th grade, and it's seems to have more than just friendly feelings. The cheers around her and laughter take her out of her state and she realizes the show has to go on. If Ollie doesn't show up today, it just isn't meant to be.

Ollie is battling the clock, breaking speed limits and passing cars as he is now focused to get there. He needs Maggie, she is everything he has ever wanted. He cannot bear to see Maggie with Tristan- his heart breaks even more each time. He knows she's making a mistake. He thinks that a part of Maggie knows she is making a mistake as well. As he goes down the rain soaked street, he wonders if she is thinking about him too.

She can hear the people start to crowd into the ceremony hall and her anxiety starts to rise. In about half an hour she will be married to someone other than Ollie. Her father can tell that the nerves are getting to her. He also knows that she's not thinking about Tristan, but Ollie. The father knows that he's on the way, coming to save his daughter from the mistake she's about to make.

Sitting and waiting for a train to pass seems like a lifetime to Ollie. The watch on his right wrist seems to be ticking by faster than ever. Tired and frustrated shouts come out of Ollie's mouth, echoing through the small car. He begins to bang on the steering wheel and the stress starts to flow out of him. His breathing slowly starts to get steady as the train gets shorter and shorter. As it ends, a long sigh leaves his mouth as he puts his foot back on the gas.

The ceremony has started, and as Maggie stands there in her long angel white dress at the alter, the man in front of her is the only one not on her mind. She looks at her dad and sighs. Maggie starts to feel let down and tired. She must of gotten her hopes up too high, maybe Ollie doesn't feel the same. The smile that's on Tristan's face makes her feel worse.

A loud noise erupts throughout the church hall and everyone turns to see where it came from. Ollie is standing there, at the entry of the church in a black and white tux with the still prominent sweat saturated forehead. Maggie's head turns to the noise and her eyes go wide. She quickly looks back to see Tristan looking at Ollie with a stern look on his face. She puts her head down in shame, knowing that Tristan is disappointed with her. Ollie has always been a threat to Tristan, but Maggie has always reassured him that he's always just her best friend. With Ollie now here to break the peace Tristan's heart starts to sink.

The priest's words "Speak now or forever hold your peace." dance around the room and Ollie stands in the middle of the isle looking no where but Maggie. Maggie's heart starts to race as she knows what's going to come out of Ollie's mouth next, and she's ready for it.

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