Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Student of the Month Story

During the month of September, freshman Natalie Amen has won Student of the Month at James Bowie High School. 

"I earned it by sticking out academically and socially," the honor winner Natalie Amen said. "It was completely out of the blue. I was truly surprised." With her 4.2 GPA and impressive after school activities, we are certainly not surprised that she is this month's winner. 

Even her Pre-Ap English teacher Ms. Planket, was anticipating this moment. "She's in my top 5. Not just for academics but for her attitude and personality in class." Ms. Planket was also one of the staff members who voted for Natalie.

The class that Ms. Planket teaches Natalie in is one of Planket's biggest classes, containing 38 kids. According to other students in that class, it's like Natalie is the teacher! "Sometimes i'm afraid she'll steal my job." Ms. Planket jokes.

But maybe not everyone is happy with Natalie being the Student of the Month. Gloriana Lopez, Natalie's best friend, seems to be envious of this. "I think I do." Gloriana said when I asked her if she believes she deserves the title more than Natalie. She quickly states after, "But if I don't get it then Natalie definitely deserves it."

Natalie and Gloriana have been best friends for 5 years, never leaving each other's side. "I even stuck around when Natalie was quite the slacker!" Gloriana exclaims. “I would have to force her to study. Now she’s the one forcing me to study!”

Natalie Amen, a slacker at one point? It's hard to believe, I know. "Actually last year I was a slacker," Natalie said. "But during the summer I went to a convention called Young Motivators in Mexico for a few days and I quickly picked up on some tips." She learned how to pull herself together and how to organize her work and   time.

Now being a star student, she keeps up with her work and responsibilities. "I am definitely thankful for the experience, I wouldn't be here without it!" She laughs. Even though she truly is thrilled about the whole situation, her responsibilities and activities get very overwhelming at times. "It is too stressful sometimes. When that happens I like to go to the spa for the weekend to relax, so I can give 110% the next monday." Natalie goes on to say, "If I work hard, don't I deserve a treat?"

Even if she's getting home at 10pm every night, she still finds time to study. "You must find time for the things that matter. Studying and being amazing are things that matter to me." Natalie says. "I chose to do the things I do, I must do my best." 

Her schedule consists of being the president and founder of the new club Young Motivators, inspired by her trip this summer, being captain of the cheer team, and she working at Amy's Ice Cream! With that in mind, it's hard to believe that she's able to do so well at everything she does. “I always knew I could handle everything.” The 14 year old states. “I believe i’m in this position for a reason.” You can ask anyone, Natalie Amen is the definition of what the student of the month should be.

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