Thursday, September 15, 2016

School Uniforms

If we are going to get more information on how the district is enforcing dress code, we should go to the people that have control.

  1. The district's superintendent 
  2. Member of the school board
  3. Principal from one of the schools effected
  4. A concerned parent
  5. The vice principal of one of the schools effected
Twenty questions to ask our sources:

  1. Why now, at this time, does this district need a set school uniform?
  2. How can regular clothes the kids wear be a distraction?
  3. Why does the whole district need a change, not just certain schools?
  4. What made this idea come to mind?
  5. How can this school uniform now effect the children that attend this district's schools?
  6. What about the parents of the children that cannot afford these uniforms? What will happen to them?
  7. Will there be financial help or an affordable option?
  8. What will be the punishment for the children that do not wear the uniform?
  9. Will be the teachers be effected?
  10. If so, will the options for their dress code be similar to the student's?
  11. Can the uniform be altered in anyway, example, jewelry or scarves?
  12. Will this effect all grades?
  13. How can this uniform effect your school comminuty positively?
  14. How do you feel about the negative comments from the students?
  15. The uniform can cause a lack of self expression and diversity. Do you think that it's important to let the kids express themselves?
  16. Why should a public school be effected with a school uniform?
  17. Why not focus on the school's rules and code of conduct, not the dress code?
  18. Did you run this new policy through other school boards or a board of parents?
  19. When you thought of this policy, did you think it was the best for the students or was it for the best of the admins?
  20. Will this effect the learning aspect of school in anyway?

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