Tuesday, December 13, 2016

CE #3.2

1. It could of been 62%.
2. You can tell by the art that the author is being sarcastic, and that they do not really mean what they are saying. The guy looks a little kooky and his shirt is a conspiracy theory that is going against what he is saying.
3. The Merry Christmas law is when you can celebrate Christmas but you can't force or impose the religion or holiday onto students/staff.
4. Whole foods is being removed from the index because it is for the top 100 largest finical companies and Whole Foods has declined in sales since 2009.
5. Harry Potter yoga is special because it's all Harry Potter themed. You can use spells and use wands and imagine yourself almost being in Hogwarts. Fans can take a hobby to the next level.

In the article, it talks about how the older staffers who worked in the crime lab are going to be let go due to troubles and mistakes made. Out of 6 total, four will be let go while two of them will be kept to go through training once more. Many department officials have lost trust and faith in the ADP. ADP plans to go forward though, making further improvements and changes to their department. They have been shut don do to incorrect ways or practices they were using with the DNA evidence. Travis county will be having a lose towards this, the community needs and wants answers to questions that DNA evidence gives to some cases in the area. The fact that the ADP has been slacking and been improperly using the DNA and unacceptable. Due to this fact, the police department should take over because they maybe can run it better than the current leaders of the department. The police and the crime labs work hand and hand, it would only make sense if the police officials made the choice.

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