Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Final Exam Review

1. Timeliness- having to work fast on a project/ article before it is no longer relevant. 
2. Proximity- A deadline
3. Human Interest- Having a group pf people who would enjoy or relate to your story. 
4. Prominence- being important. 
5. Conflict- A problem 
6. Interviews- Asking someone questions for a writing piece. 
7. Research- Looking up information.
8. Quotations- The use of a quote in a story. 
9. Yes-no question - a question that can be answered with yes or no.
10. follow-up question- Another question that relates to a previous question. 
11. Objective writing- A factual article. 
12. Transition paragraph- A paragraph that introduces a quote. 
13. Hard news story- An important or deep story
14. Soft news story- a fun or light hearted story. 
15. Inverted Pyramid- using the most important information first. 
16. Third-person point of view- Writing about someone else. 
17. 5 Ws and H lead- Who, what, when, where, why, how
18. editing- correcting 
19. attribution- Giving credit to someone (citing)
20. paraphrase- To shorten
21. fragmentary quotation- an uncompleted quote.
22. direct quotation- In quotation marks
23. partial quotation- An incomplete quote
24. Uses of quotations- when someone said something that you are putting in a story
25. When to use quotations- When someone else said it. 
26. When quotations are unnecessary or not desired- When you can use it as a fact 
27. Editorial- and article written by opinion 
28. editorial page- a page that people summit their opinions/ feelings over something. 
29. columns- the form a newspaper article is written in or an article. 
30. editorial that criticizes- a article that criticizes a product, person or place
31. editorial that explains- an article that explains something. 
32. editorial that persuades- an article that persuades you to buy or go somewhere.
33. letter to the editor- a letter to an editor or publication. 

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