Friday, September 30, 2016

The Big Day

Who? Ollie Mayfield
What? Doesn't want a wedding to happen
Where? Portland, Oregon at a church
When? In late August
Why? He's in love with the bride
How? He used his Volkswagon to drive to the wedding that was far away

The storyline that the commercial circles around is that a man named Ollie Mayfield is in a hurry to his best friend's Maggie Johnson's wedding. But Ollie isn't in a hurry because he's excited to see Maggie get married, but because he needs to stop it before it's too late. In his Volkswagon, he breaks speed limits and runs red lights to make it in time before he can no longer speak now.

The wedding that was held at the Roseleft's Church started at 4 PM, and Ollie was stuck behind a passing train. He got frustrated but he had to wait. He has known Maggie since the fourth grade, and he knows she is making a big mistake. This is his last chance to tell her that he's in love with her. His emotions get the best of him as he flours on the gas, not caring if he gets pulled over.

He makes it to the wedding, but at this time it's at that very moment he has to say it. He rushes into the church and the attention is now on him. The look on Maggie's face was something he couldn't read. Time was counting down and he knew that he couldn't ruin this for her. If the groom makes Maggie happy, Ollie has to accept that and step down.

Maggie got married and Ollie was left sitting in the back of church. He must move on and realize that she's now finally gone. The friendship is still there, but that doesn't help his broken heart he's left with.

-Ollie is frustrated that it's taking so long to get to the wedding. He's sweating
- He's driving a long ways for this wedding, the setting changes multiple times
- The bride is looking off in the distance through the window like she is expecting him
- Her father keeps looking at his watch
- When he arrives she double-takes when she sees him
- Then she looks down like she's ashamed when the groom sees

 Ollie is rushing into the storm, sweat droplets trickling down his forehead as he gets more and more nervous for what's to come. His old Volkswagon doesn't seem to be going as fast as he wants as he starts to get frustrated. Ollie is expected at a wedding, but not his own. Maggie Johnson is patiently waiting 100 miles away at a church in a wedding gown for Ollie to show up. Her bridesmaids excitedly fix her hair and adjust the dress, ready for the ceremony between Maggie and Tristan to start.

Maggie starts to worry, she is in love with Tristan but Ollie has been in her life for so long, since 4th grade, and it's seems to have more than just friendly feelings. The cheers around her and laughter take her out of her state and she realizes the show has to go on. If Ollie doesn't show up today, it just isn't meant to be.

Ollie is battling the clock, breaking speed limits and passing cars as he is now focused to get there. He needs Maggie, she is everything he has ever wanted. He cannot bear to see Maggie with Tristan- his heart breaks even more each time. He knows she's making a mistake. He thinks that a part of Maggie knows she is making a mistake as well. As he goes down the rain soaked street, he wonders if she is thinking about him too.

She can hear the people start to crowd into the ceremony hall and her anxiety starts to rise. In about half an hour she will be married to someone other than Ollie. Her father can tell that the nerves are getting to her. He also knows that she's not thinking about Tristan, but Ollie. The father knows that he's on the way, coming to save his daughter from the mistake she's about to make.

Sitting and waiting for a train to pass seems like a lifetime to Ollie. The watch on his right wrist seems to be ticking by faster than ever. Tired and frustrated shouts come out of Ollie's mouth, echoing through the small car. He begins to bang on the steering wheel and the stress starts to flow out of him. His breathing slowly starts to get steady as the train gets shorter and shorter. As it ends, a long sigh leaves his mouth as he puts his foot back on the gas.

The ceremony has started, and as Maggie stands there in her long angel white dress at the alter, the man in front of her is the only one not on her mind. She looks at her dad and sighs. Maggie starts to feel let down and tired. She must of gotten her hopes up too high, maybe Ollie doesn't feel the same. The smile that's on Tristan's face makes her feel worse.

A loud noise erupts throughout the church hall and everyone turns to see where it came from. Ollie is standing there, at the entry of the church in a black and white tux with the still prominent sweat saturated forehead. Maggie's head turns to the noise and her eyes go wide. She quickly looks back to see Tristan looking at Ollie with a stern look on his face. She puts her head down in shame, knowing that Tristan is disappointed with her. Ollie has always been a threat to Tristan, but Maggie has always reassured him that he's always just her best friend. With Ollie now here to break the peace Tristan's heart starts to sink.

The priest's words "Speak now or forever hold your peace." dance around the room and Ollie stands in the middle of the isle looking no where but Maggie. Maggie's heart starts to race as she knows what's going to come out of Ollie's mouth next, and she's ready for it.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

CE #1.4

1. The violent crime rate in Austin has dropped 6%, but has increased 7% outside the city.
2. It cost about $9,589 dollars for one year of child care.
3. Two tips to not be a victim of crime at ACL is to not walk distracted and to of course lock your car and take the keys.
4. JJ Watt has an injured back.
5. Some style tips for a music festival is to wear vintage clothing and big dramatic sunglasses.

The 9/11 bill states that families of 9/11 victims can sue Saudi Arabia to get legal justice. This is Obama's first bill to be over-rided in his presidency. Obama warned Congress that with this veto that it could be devastating to the Department of Defense. He was also worried that it could effect their relationships with foreign countries and communities.

To me, I don't understand how you can sue a whole country. The whole country of Saudi Arabia didn't plan to do 9/11, a specific group IN Saudi Arabia did. The whole bill seems really broad to me, like there is so much that the victims could take advantage of or they could get seriously in trouble. The victims and families of victims are supposed to sue another country for an act that a group of terrorists did. What kind of money could they get from them? And why is it the country's fault? I don't think American's should be able to sue another country, it's not fair to the innocent people that are just bystanders in the situation.

I do believe that some repercussions will happen because of this situation. The power a country has is much stronger than some people from America. It's dangerous that we are suing a country that we are already not on good terms with, we do not know how they can react to the lawsuits. To me, there is a lot of things that are just not mentioned with this bill. The United States could be making a mistake, or they could of made a great choice. We just need to see how it plays out, and get more details on the specifics of this bill.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Student of the Month Story

During the month of September, freshman Natalie Amen has won Student of the Month at James Bowie High School. 

"I earned it by sticking out academically and socially," the honor winner Natalie Amen said. "It was completely out of the blue. I was truly surprised." With her 4.2 GPA and impressive after school activities, we are certainly not surprised that she is this month's winner. 

Even her Pre-Ap English teacher Ms. Planket, was anticipating this moment. "She's in my top 5. Not just for academics but for her attitude and personality in class." Ms. Planket was also one of the staff members who voted for Natalie.

The class that Ms. Planket teaches Natalie in is one of Planket's biggest classes, containing 38 kids. According to other students in that class, it's like Natalie is the teacher! "Sometimes i'm afraid she'll steal my job." Ms. Planket jokes.

But maybe not everyone is happy with Natalie being the Student of the Month. Gloriana Lopez, Natalie's best friend, seems to be envious of this. "I think I do." Gloriana said when I asked her if she believes she deserves the title more than Natalie. She quickly states after, "But if I don't get it then Natalie definitely deserves it."

Natalie and Gloriana have been best friends for 5 years, never leaving each other's side. "I even stuck around when Natalie was quite the slacker!" Gloriana exclaims. “I would have to force her to study. Now she’s the one forcing me to study!”

Natalie Amen, a slacker at one point? It's hard to believe, I know. "Actually last year I was a slacker," Natalie said. "But during the summer I went to a convention called Young Motivators in Mexico for a few days and I quickly picked up on some tips." She learned how to pull herself together and how to organize her work and   time.

Now being a star student, she keeps up with her work and responsibilities. "I am definitely thankful for the experience, I wouldn't be here without it!" She laughs. Even though she truly is thrilled about the whole situation, her responsibilities and activities get very overwhelming at times. "It is too stressful sometimes. When that happens I like to go to the spa for the weekend to relax, so I can give 110% the next monday." Natalie goes on to say, "If I work hard, don't I deserve a treat?"

Even if she's getting home at 10pm every night, she still finds time to study. "You must find time for the things that matter. Studying and being amazing are things that matter to me." Natalie says. "I chose to do the things I do, I must do my best." 

Her schedule consists of being the president and founder of the new club Young Motivators, inspired by her trip this summer, being captain of the cheer team, and she working at Amy's Ice Cream! With that in mind, it's hard to believe that she's able to do so well at everything she does. “I always knew I could handle everything.” The 14 year old states. “I believe i’m in this position for a reason.” You can ask anyone, Natalie Amen is the definition of what the student of the month should be.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

The Lead/Notes

Who? Natalie Amen, Freshman, 14
What? Student of the Month honor receiver
Where? Bowie High School, Austin Texas
Why? 4.5 GPA
When? September 2016
How? Chosen by staff and principal, presented in front of whole school

Freshman Natalie Amen has won Student of the Month at James Bowie High School in September of 2016. 18 words

Inverted Pyramid

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Additional Student of the Month Interviews

Interview with Natalie's best friend, Gloriana Lopez
  1. Do you feel that this honor has gone to Natalie's head? Not exactly, Natalie has just always been very confident and popular. She can handle anything that is put in front of her.
  2. Gloriana, do you have the same interests as Natalie, like studying and keeping a busy schedule? I like to study too, I think even more than her. Sometimes she copies my notes. But we're best friends because we work well together to keep each other motivated.
  3. I sense some competition, do you think you deserved this honor?  I think I do, but if I don't get it then definitely Natalie deserves it. And no competition, just stating facts.
  4. Is being around Natalie overwhelming sometimes? Does she make you work with her? She always makes me work with her. Anywhere is a place to study with Natalie! 
  5. What do you think she's going to do next? I think she's just going to try to be even better. She's definitely going to be pushing my limits soon! 

Interview with Natalie's favorite teacher, Ms. Planket 
  1. What subject do you teach? I teach Pre-Ap English.
  2. How is it having Natalie in one of your classes? Natalie is a ray of sunshine for sure. I love having her, she really makes the class bearable. 
  3. Is she one of your best students? Definitely. I think she's in my top 5. Not just for academics, but for her attitude and personality in class too.
  4. Were you one of the teachers to nominate her for this honor? Of course! She is the one that deserves it the most.
  5. What is your favorite thing about having Natalie as a student? She's always willing to work. She will do anything you put in front of her, and she does it the best. Not just well, but the best. She is a truly talented kid.

Student of the Month Official Interview

Student of the Month Interview with Natalie Amen

  1. How does it feel to have this title?  I am very happy, excited, and on top of the world. It's a dream come true!
  2. Did you expect to be honored with this title? No, it was totally out of the blue! I was completely surprised.
  3. Do people now know you but you don't even know them? Probably but that was how it was before, but I bet even more people know me now. 
  4. Have people now treated you differently? My peers are treating me the same but my parents are giving me special treatment like a fancy dinner with my mom and my brother and my dad bought me a puppy.
  5. Do you now feel obligated to be the best at what you do? I already am the best this just adds another layer of pressure. It's just the way it's gonna be.
  6. If so, is the pressure too much sometimes? Sometimes it's too stressful. so I go to the spa for the weekend and relax. So on Monday, i'm ready to give 110%.
  7. How has your family reacted to the news? They are so excited! They were even more surprised than me!
  8. How do you stay focused on your schoolwork and not let other things going on in your life effect it? Well I keep a very packed schedule but you must allow time for the things that matter. Studying and being amazing are some of my things that matter.
  9. Have you always been focused and motivated or has this been a self improving thing over the past months? Actually last year I was a slacker but over the summer I went to a convention called Young Motivators in Mexico for a few days and they really inspired me to bring my all to the table.
  10.  What do you think earned you this title? I earned it by sticking out in social and academic ways.
  11. What is some advice for the other students that want to become more responsible about their school work? Other students should organize themselves better, like me! Set at least five goals a day. Me being me, I set 6!
  12. Do you struggle with balancing other things that go on in your life with your academics? Sometimes, but remember you need to set time for the other things that matter.
  13. Have you ever thought about wanting to give up, that all of this work is just too much? Honestly I haven't! I always knew I can handle everything. Stress is a rare thing.
  14. If so, what is the way you recover from those thoughts? (She can handle it!)
  15. Do you believe that the people you surround yourself with can effect your actions? Definitely, that's why you only choose the good people to be around.
  16. Teachers are a big part of how you enjoy a subject. How do you handle teachers that might not be the best at making you interested in the class? If I had a teacher that was bad, I would switch to the another class with a great teacher. I only get the best teachers, don't settle for less!
  17.  Are you excited for what's to come from this achievement? Yes I am so excited! I will be presented this honor in front of the entire school, which is amazing!
  18. Do you receive more attention due to this achievement by your classmates? Yes, but it's nothing that i'm not used to.
  19. What are you going to do next? I am going to continue to be positive and make sure people look up to me more than they already do.
  20. Who/what inspires you the most to do the best you can? Rachel Berry from Glee! She's just like me and always knows what she's doing. She's a total role model.

Friday, September 16, 2016

C.E Quiz #1.3

  1. Sandra Bland's settlement was placed at $1.9 million.
  2. The new 2017 Austin budget it $3.7 billion dollars and it was charge about $87 dollars more for the residents.
  3. Three ride sharing businesses are Fasten, Fare, and RideAustin.
  4. Bowie's record is 26-9.
  5. The purpose of a Skinnier is to let it be a shoe for everything. It's not really a shoe or a sock, it's comfortable footwear that you can do lots in. 
The gap in the race between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump is a big deal because Texas is a big state that counts for a lot of votes in the finale election. Plus Texas usually is a republican state, but with Hillary following closely behind anything can happen. Texas actually voted for Ted Cruz to be it's Republican nominee, but now that Ted is not in the race anymore and now Donald Trump is the the Republican presidential nominee, they can be changing their mins. Texas is a conservative state, but if Donald Trump does become president he will affect Texas, due to his immigration policies he would like to have. Texas is filled with illegal immigrants as well as legal immigrants from Mexico, and Trump would affect them directly, which is scary.

If I could vote I would vote for Hillary, I believe in what she says and I consider myself a democrat. Climate change and gun control are very important to me and Trump thinks the total opposite of what I believe in with those topics. I think voters need to not just think about themselves, but everyone else as well. Think about their future, and what can help progress this country and not bring us back. People only focus on what's on the TV, and mostly those headlines are used to make other candidates look bad but in reality they are trying to do well. We need a leader that is mature, unlike Trump, that is totally immature and disrespectful. We need someone that will help not just us, but our earth. The reason we are alive is because of this planet earth, and we need someone that will help try to preserve it and look at the facts and science. The president has the control whether not to pass acts and our bonds with other countries, and we can't have someone that will say something that can piss other countries off because they have a big mouth and a bad attitude. I might be bias, but to me having Donald Trump as president could ruin a lot of progress we have made these past 8-16 years. I will be growing up with the new president, and whatever they do can affect my future. In 4 years I will be on my own, and so whatever the president does can either make it better or worse for me. It's scary to think about, so whatever happens this election can change my life directly. 

Student of the Month Interview

Interview Questions for this new Student of the Month:

  1. How does it feel to have this title?
  2. Did you expect to be honored with this title?
  3. Do people now know you but you don't even know them?
  4. Have people now treated you differently?
  5. Do you now feel obligated to be the best at what you do?
  6. If so, is the pressure too much sometimes?
  7. How has your family reacted to the news?
  8. How do you stay focused on your schoolwork and not let other things going on in your life effect it?
  9. Have you always been focused and motivated or has this been a self improving thing over the past months?
  10.  What do you think earned you this title?
  11. What is some advice for the other students that want to become more responsible about their school work?
  12. Do you struggle with balancing other things that go on in your life with your academics?
  13. Have you ever thought about wanting to give up, that all of this work is just too much?
  14. If so, what is the way you recover from those thoughts?
  15. Do you believe that the people you surround yourself with can effect your actions?
  16. Teachers are a big part of how you enjoy a subject. How do you handle teachers that might not be the best at making you interested in the class?
  17.  Are you excited for what's to come from this achievement?
  18. Do you receive more attention due to this achievement by your classmates?
  19. What are you going to do next?
  20. Who/what inspires you the most to do the best you can?

One of the student's teachers
One of his/her friends

Thursday, September 15, 2016

School Uniforms

If we are going to get more information on how the district is enforcing dress code, we should go to the people that have control.

  1. The district's superintendent 
  2. Member of the school board
  3. Principal from one of the schools effected
  4. A concerned parent
  5. The vice principal of one of the schools effected
Twenty questions to ask our sources:

  1. Why now, at this time, does this district need a set school uniform?
  2. How can regular clothes the kids wear be a distraction?
  3. Why does the whole district need a change, not just certain schools?
  4. What made this idea come to mind?
  5. How can this school uniform now effect the children that attend this district's schools?
  6. What about the parents of the children that cannot afford these uniforms? What will happen to them?
  7. Will there be financial help or an affordable option?
  8. What will be the punishment for the children that do not wear the uniform?
  9. Will be the teachers be effected?
  10. If so, will the options for their dress code be similar to the student's?
  11. Can the uniform be altered in anyway, example, jewelry or scarves?
  12. Will this effect all grades?
  13. How can this uniform effect your school comminuty positively?
  14. How do you feel about the negative comments from the students?
  15. The uniform can cause a lack of self expression and diversity. Do you think that it's important to let the kids express themselves?
  16. Why should a public school be effected with a school uniform?
  17. Why not focus on the school's rules and code of conduct, not the dress code?
  18. Did you run this new policy through other school boards or a board of parents?
  19. When you thought of this policy, did you think it was the best for the students or was it for the best of the admins?
  20. Will this effect the learning aspect of school in anyway?

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Current Events Quiz #1.2

1. They haven't had a medical based school since there was a voting in 2013 for the plan, but it was rejected.

2. He died while on the job, he was escorting a driver that was in the middle of a funeral service. He was hit while on his motorcycle.

3. More than 100 people ages 17-24 are on the streets homeless on a given night. 

4. The iPhone 7 removed the headphone jack and it will be waterproof, other than the iPhone 6.

5. I would like to go to the Eastside Kings Festival.

Long Response:

Tiny houses are very unique. A tiny house can give you a chance to go greener, using more renewable resources and cutting back on things you don't actually need. Great for the environment, but the cut backs that are required can be a pain. But this is a house that can be totally on wheels, great for people that love to travel and see different places. That can save you a lot of money, no need to pay for a hotel. 

Of course tiny houses are gonna be cheaper than regular. But the range is pretty broad; starting anywhere from $7,000 to $60,000. $7,000 for the starting out trailer, then getting it move in ready costs the big bucks. The company Tiny Living have been making these custom tiny homes for the growing trend. Personally I wouldn't want to live in one just because I need space. I have a lot of stuff and honestly I can't downsize. Square feet is important to me, but it would be fun to try out the style of living for just a day or two.

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Ethics Cases

1. In this case, they are asking if journalists should say the names of sexual abuse child victims. In some cases abuse victims were named but were later found to be sexual abuse victims as well. It is up to the reporters to release the names, but lots of people are believing it's inappropriate to share the children's identity. I think it is only okay if you have the permission from both the victim and their guardians. It's really unfair to the victims that were named and felt targeted, ashamed, and embarrassed. Everyone reacts to things differently. But for the victims that were first seen as abuse victims then later found out to be victims of sexual abuse as well, I think they shouldn't leave that piece out of the case. It is important to bring awareness to the problems that are happening in this country. If the case is already out, they shouldn't exclude the new information. Other than that it's highly inappropriate for a child victim to be named.

2.  The Eagles, a popular rock band, were hosting a concert to raise money for a democratic nominee for the US Senate. A boss of a news outlet did not let his staffers report on the concert due to the fact it was a political event. Temple, the boss, told staffers that it was because of the fact they were not allowed to make donations. I believe it's their job to cover as much as they can, and put the trust in your staffers not to make donations if it is against their rules. Politics are very important to millions of Americans, and then the fact that this company was very negative towards the fact that they can't do a political story is upsetting. It's their job to bring the stories in. 

3. In 2005, a newspaper released very offensive cartoons to the Islamic community. The newspaper editor, Danes, said that it was time to stop being afraid of what could happen. But in reaction, the Islamic leaders were furious. They even went another step to describe the pictures, but that made things worse. These cartoons caused riots and uproar from the community, even going as far as people getting killed. This freedom of speech was used to harass and bully an entire community, and I don't think that's right. They shouldn't be able to publish something that they know will cause a problem, especially when lives are at risk. It doesn't matter that only a thousand of the millions of muslims rioted, the fact that a thousand would riot at all is a problem.