Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Movie Review

The cast of the movie includes well known American actors such as Tom Hanks as Captain phillips, and African actors such as Barked Abdi playing as Muse. Other small roles were played by Barked Abdiraham as Bial and Michael Churns as Shane Murphy. The film begins with Richard Phillips taking charge of a cargo ship. The group's expedition is interrupted and paused when Somalian Pirates barge in. The American crew from then is forced to cooperate with these aggressive/violent Somalian pirates in order to survive. As the leader of the ship, Captain Phillips does all thing possible to keep his crew and the Somalians alive. In many parts of the film, I thought the Somalian pirates would end up killing Captain Phillips, however the movie had some unexpected parts that kept me wondering what was gonna happen. It was very suspenseful and made me actually intrigued. In the beginning and I wasn't interested in the story because I wouldn't typically watch this type of movie. To tie in with how this movie represents a true story, the movie really focuses in on the moral of sacrificing yourself for others. For example, Captain Phillips sacrificed going on the ship with dangerous people so his crew would not have to. The main character/protagonist, Captain Phillips represents courage This film mainly attracts young adults that are looking for a good drama/action story. I think this movie's plot was very well planned out. Although this movie was very intriguing and something that defiantly kept me on my toes, it was very violent and at points hard to watch. I am someone who is very sensitive to these kind of topics, but they made it so interesting. The movie was also a bit too slow moving, and I felt like there were some irrelevant scenes. Overall it was mediocre, mainly just hard to keep up with and follow along with the story told. This film has poor audience demographics mainly because only young adults would think this film was intriguing because it is too complex for young kids to understand. In my opinion young kids probably shouldn't watch it because of the violence that they are not mature enough to handle at a young age, they may also get very bored because it is so long. I think the film wasn't bad however it was not something I would see again. I would rate this film 3 out of 5 stars. I recommend you to watch Captain Phillips for the intense scenes and the incredible acting done by this high quality cast! But if you are sensitive to violence and "strong" language, I wouldn't recommend this. It is a more mature story that is meant for mature audiences. 

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