Thursday, May 25, 2017

Car Raid

I've known Matthew Lane for almost 3 years now, and i've only been in his car once until now. His old Honda Civic looks like just another hand me down car but inside there is so much more. "I spend most of my time in my car, whether it's going to work or just taking my friends out on the weekend." Matt said, as the first thing I laid eyes on was a pair of cheap black heels in the backseat. They were a size 6 and smelled like a rotten fish, and I could tell he was embarrassed by the alarming piece of apparel we both saw. "Before you say anything, they're my mom's." He told me and I started to wonder why his mom's shoes would be in his own car.
To the eye's view, the car looked pretty clean. I knew something was off because his own room is something like a landfill, would't his car be the same? I looked under the driver's seat to find two pairs of black gloves. Two things ran through my mind, either Matt's hands get really cold or he's up to something no good. Matt's only 18 and about to go to college in Seattle, Washington. He has so much going for him so I decided to brush this off and keep looking.
I then get to unlock the trunk and I was already nervous. I popped it open and the first thing I see is a large black duffle bag. I looked at Matt and he had no expression, looking straight forward into the car. "I need to go to the bathroom, i'll be right back." Matt said to me and he walked off back into his house.  I then take this time to open the black duffle. The sight of two black long sleeves, one large and one small, and two black ski masks. My heart dropped. It was all suddenly coming together, Matt and his mom are working together. Something shady is going on, and that's when Matt came up out of nowhere and slams the trunk shut. He looked at me dead in the eye and said "You didn't see anything, got that?" I then didn't want to ask anymore questions, I nodded my head and Matt took me home. We didn't say anything else, there was nothing else to be said. His mother and him are secret agent spies.

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