Thursday, April 13, 2017

CE #6.1

1. 1127 E. 52nd St., 1205 E. 52nd St.
2. SB 6 is that boys only use the boys bathroom and girls only use the girls bathroom
3. ArtStartArt is to sell best work that comes out of studio art programs
4. Rangers, Bruins, Penguins, Sharks, Blues
5. I would do the Fusebox festivals

Long Response-
The relationship between the U.S. and Russia right now are not looking too good. Trump is not getting along well with Putin which is causing some major problems. The attacks that occurred in Syria have been a major cause to this too. I think that the conflict that occurred in Syria has had a key role in this shift. Trump's decision to bomb them was not a good idea. I think that this situation could either resolve itself, or cause another war between us which is not a good option at all. If there is a war, people I know could be drafted for a war. I think that would be really scary and I hope that I am not drafted because I could not survive in a war. This could also affect me if Russia bombs us or attacks us on American turf.

Movie Prep

1. Captain Phillips, Chief Engineer Mike Perry, Navy SEALS, Ali Aden Elmi, Hamac & Abduwali Muse.

2. The ship would be headed in the general direction of Africa, carrying cargo and manned by Phillips and Perry, as well as other crew members. It then would get hijacked somewhere off the coast of Africa. The Maersk Alabama would sink the pirates' ship, but they would get on the boat. The crew of the boat would lock themselves in the engine room, and trap one of the pirates with them. The pirates would try to escape, and they would take the Captain hostage to try to exchange him for their friend. Then, the pirates would try to escape in their boat, but it wouldn't start, so the crew would drop the lifeboat to get back Captain Phillips. The pirates would take the boat and the Captain before the crew could do anything.  The crew would call many people to get it solved, and the movie would end with 3 of the pirates getting shot and killed, and Captain Phillips escaping.

3. This story was important because it shows that this is a real issue, and people should be aware of it. Also, it is very dramatic and eventful.

4. The pirates wanted the ship because they wanted the cargo on it, as well as machines and such. They were trying to rob the ship to make money.


1. The five most important actors in the film are Tom Hanks as Richard Phillips, Bakhad Abdi as Abduwali Muse, Barkhad Abdirahman as Adan Bilal, Catherine Kreener as Andrea Phillips, and Michael Chernus as Shane Murphy.

2. The movie is rated 93% on Rotten Tomatoes.

3. The movie was directed by Paul Greengrass

4. The producers were Michael De Luca, Scott Rudin, and Dana Brunetti

5. Awards:
Best Supporting Actor- BAFTA
Movie of the Year- AFI
Best Edited Feature Film- America Cinema Editors
Top Box Office Films-ASCAP
Outstanding editing- Hollywood Post Alliance

6. It costed 55 million dollars to shoot.

7. The audience rated the movie 4.2 out of 5 stars, and 93% of rotten tomatoes,

8. Movie reviewers though that Tom Hanks was good in the character of Richard Phillips and the movie was captivating as the events closely followed what actually happened.

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Free Write

The most beautiful smile i've ever seen was when I met him for the first time. I'm not going to name this boy, i'll keep calling him "him" for the rest of the story. When I first method we had planned to meet up and I saw him from across the room. He was standing there by himself with no other people around him and I felt the urge to be next to him in that moment. I walked up to him and saw he was almost my height and I remember giggling to myself because i'm only 5'2.

Sports Exploration



  • Backstroke
  • Flip turn
  • Lap
  • Stroke
You measure how much you swim in meters or yards.

The top swimmer for USA Olympic Swimming is Michael Phelps.He has broken 5 world records, including his own, and has won 28 olympic medals; 23 gold, 3 silver and 2 bronze. The next four are Ryan Lochte with 12 medals; 6 gold, 3 silver and 3 bronze and finally Gary Hall with 10 medals; 5 gold, 3 silver and 2 bronze. Mark Spitz with 11 medals; 9 gold, 1 silver and 1 bronze,and Matt Biondi with 11 medals; 8 gold, 2 silver and 1 bronze,.
Michael Phelps won eight medals at the 2004 Summer Olympics and six of those were gold. This brought him up to a tie for the record for medals at a single Olympics. In 2008, Phelps won eight gold medals at the Summer Olympics.  At the 2012 Summer Olympics, Phelps won another four gold and two silver. At the 2016 Summer Olympics, Phelps won five gold medals and one silver. In total he has won 28 Olympic medals, a record. 23 of these are gold medals. 

Movie Reviews

Rogue One Review
1. Disney

2. Tony Gilroy, Chris Weitz
3. 10
4. It has a strong female lead that we need for young women to look up to.
5. It isn't that connected to the other movies, I mean it is but the orignal plot is hidden and modernized. 
6. "What the film really lacks is a strong and vigorous male lead (such as Han Solo or John Boyega's Finn in The Force Awakens) to balance more equally with Jyn and supply a sparring partner. None of the men here has real physical or vocal stature, nor any scenes in which they can decisively emerge from the pack in a way that engages audience enthusiasm. Both Luna and Ahmed have proved themselves repeatedly in big-screen and television performances, but their characters never pop here, to the film's detriment. And given that Jyn is rather less gung-ho and imposing than was Ridley's Rey, there's an overall feel of less physical capacity on the part of the main characters."

1. Peyo
2. J. David Stem, David N. Weiss, Jay Scherick, David Ronn
3. 8
4.The themes of feminism and girl power are very strong throughout the movie.
5. It isn't an adult movie, it's a young audience appeal, but the messages are good for them too
6. "Sony Pictures Animation has gone back to the well and unapologetically left adults behind for the third entry in their Smurfs franchise. Discarding the combination of live-action and animation that marked the first two efforts, Smurfs: The Lost Village is strictly animated and geared only for younger viewers. The reboot directed by Kelly Asbury (Shrek 2) should please its target audience while providing little entertainment value to any adult chaperones who appreciated Neil Patrick Harris and Hank Azaria’s enjoyably over-the-top turns in the first two films."

Sports Current Events

1.The article is in the newspaper but it's on C1 that is titled "Big exit, big lead" 
2. Big exit, and big lead
3.Charley Hoffman made a huge comeback in the master's Golf tournament, he started slow then made 11 birdies ending the game with a 65 overall.
4.Birdie, Bogey, 
6.This Article was a Recap of the game that just recently happened but It also focused heavily on Charles Hoffman's performance in the recent game. So it recapped what happened towards the end but then also talked about the great comeback of Hoffman.7.The article begins with a list of all the players game scores.

Dispatch #5

Summary: Spring is the busiest season for theatre. Three shows are being performed in the Spring Shows and One Act Play (UIL) is going on. This article gives a brief explanation of what each show is about.
Who? Startlight Theatre Company
What? STC is performing so many shows during the spring.
Where? James Bowie High School\
When? Spring, 2017
Why? Spring is the busiest season for theatre
How? Spring Shows and One Act Play is going on.
Who was quoted in this story?  Hannah Huerta, Lauren Collins, Kalyn Holloway, Matthew Bosnyak, Avery Helder, Courtney Hall, Joe, Rebekah Peel, Shane Scandurra
Which quote was the strongest in your opinion?  You'll find yourself rooting for the characters, hoping they all get what they want," - Courtney Hall
The lead sentence did make me want to keep reading because I formerly acted at my middle school.
The conclusion was a quote.

Summary- In this commentary piece the student explained the challenge of getting excepted into colleges. The norm has changed over the years, and it is harder to get into schools. Students have to go above and beyond, and it is worth is for how college is essential to most careers in life.
Who?-Jake Brien, high school students
What?-It is important to work hard to go to college
Where?-Bowie High school, A&M, ACC, Stanford, Harvard
When?- high school and college years
Why?- It is getting harder to be accepted into colleges, so effort is important
How?- Working hard to get to the higher level
No quotes.
The lead sentence made me want to keep reading.
The conclusion was a statement.

Summary: May is coming soon, and so is prom. The Class of 2017 is having prom at the Renaissance Hotel in north Austin at the Arboretum on Asturday, May 20 from 8:00 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. The Hotel allows prom to be planned the way students want. The theme this year is "Going towards a New York City Route". The class officers have planned prom ever since freshman year.
Who? The Class of 2017
What? The seniors are currently planning out prom.
Where? James Bowie High School, prom is going to be held at the Renaissance Hotel
When?  May 20, 2017
Why? Prom is an event for seniors before they all spread apart from each other.
How? The Class of 2017 raised money for a budget for prom (raised at least $10k), and are selling tickets for $30.
Who was quoted in the story? Bridget Alvarez, Carlyn Crow, Deanna Dellana
Which quote was the strongest in your opinion? "It is a great way to end senior year before we all part ways." (Bridget Alvarez)
The lead sentence did make me want to keep reading despite I am not a senior because I have many senior friends who are excited about prom.
The conclusion was quote. 

Summary - The Bowie High School girls' lacrosse team has been successful this year. The team bond is imporant to the girls on the team. The unique sport of lacrosse is growing in the country and at Bowie specifially. 
Who? Bowie's girls' Lacrosse teamWhat?  The team is successfulWhere? Bowie High SchoolWhen? This past lacrosse seasonWhy?The team is successful because the girls have a strong team bond.How? The girls care about each other and the sport itself.
Julia Krebs, Coach Jesse McCarthy, Luana Lopez, Veronica Cruz, Brianna Martinez, Sam Lopez and Rosa Heim.
The strongest quote was "Bowie lacrosse is a community of incredible people (players, parents, and coaches) who are truly focused on the success..." by Coach McCarthy.
The lead sentence made me want to keep reading.
The conclusion was a quote.

Front Page:

Summary: Bowie High school has chosen their new principal, Mark Robinson. Robinson is the current principal at Hudson Bend Middle School, Lake Travis ISD. He is not daunted from transitioning position from middle school to high school; he is eagerly anticipated for the change. He is also known to have a strong connection with students and has earned a privilege of being the principle of a School to Watch in 2014 and 2017. 

Who? Mark Robinson is currently the principal of Hudson Bend Middle School.
What?  Robinson is the future principal of James Bowie High School.
Where? James Bowie High School
When?  He will begin is career at Bowie during the 2017-18 school year.
Why?  Since the former principal left, Bowie had to choose a new principal.
How?  Six candidates were interviewed by the selection committee, then three final candidates were chosen (then were interviewed again); after the long process, Robinson was the best candidate.
Who was quoted in the story? Mark Robinson, Brad Lancaster, Amanda Toon, Ruth Ann Widner, Susan Leos
What quote was the strongest in your opinion?  "Through strong collaboration which includes administration, faculty, students, and the community working together as one, [we will] ensure student learning is the highest priority," (Mark Robinson)
The first sentence did make me want to keep reading because I wanted to know who was chosen to be Bowie's new principal, and why he/she was chosen.
The conclusion was a quote.

Student Life
Summary- The senior class has been working towards making a great prom night before graduation. The theme will be New York city, and the class officers have worked hard to figure out the details. Money has been raised through fundraisers and will be from tickets so that they can plan something big but not too expensive.
Who?-the senior class of Bowie, sponsor Deanna Dellana
What?-the class of 2017 prom
Where?-Bowie HS, Renaissance Hotel
When?- Saturday May 20th
Why?-The prom is a big night for seniors, so they are working on making it special
How?-The senior class has been raising money and has planned over the past few years
Bridget Alvarez, Carlyn Crow, Deanna Dellana and Lauren Noe.
The strongest quote was "It's a great way to end senior year before we all part ways" from Bridget Alvarez.
The lead sentence made me want to keep reading.
The conclusion was a quote.

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

CE 5.2

1. Juan Coronilla-Guerrero
2. mexico3. Sara Ramirez4. Michael Dell, John Paul DeJoria, Robert F. Smith, David Booth and  Bryan Sheffield.5. Poarch Band of Greek Indians

I do not believe that Obama ordered any kind of suverlliance on Trump. I believe that Trump says these kinds of things to kind of shadow his own mistakes and problems that he has. With the whole ties with Russia drama with Trump, I think he wants to make someone else look like the bad guy. There is no real evidence that Obama spied or cheated with anything, these are all accusations that the FBI need to check. Trump should apologize in he did nothing wrong, because accusing someone of huge crimes is very disrespectful, especially if you are the president of the united states. If Trump refuses, it just shows what kind of person he is. What kind of person want him as president?

Infographics w/ Illustrator

CE #5.3

1. The bill says that any employee that witnessed any signs of sexual assault would be required to speak out about it.
2. Khalid Masood3. He said that the election was basically given to the winner because the most qualified was disqualified form the race.4. "These include suicides, drug overdoses, and alcohol-related deaths such as liver failure."
5. I wouldn't want to see it on my own but my friend really wants to see it, so I guess.

Long Response-
The story is about Brynn Aylor who was in a car crash on Wednesday. I think it is really hard to prevent car crashes because there are so many different reasons behind the crashes like car malfunctions or blind spots, but I think a good way to start is self driving cars. I plan on taking driving training during sophomore year. In most cars now there are controls that help you to not use your phone like buttons on the back of steering wheels to change music without taking your hands off the wheel, but I think not enough people have updated cars for those to be in place yet. Yes, I think they should be able to drive because everyone has to drive eventually, and that is the age that everyone is becoming more independent and need to be more places without hassling parents or other people for car rides.