Friday, February 10, 2017

Lone Star Dispatch #4

One story from A1: The James Bowie High School varsity cheerleaders are going to the National Cheer Competition in Florida. They have been invited before but have never made it to finals, so that is their goal this time around. They want to grow and build as a team together especially because of the 6 seniors that will be leaving this year.

Who? Bowie varsity cheerleaders
What? Going to national cheer competition
Where? Orlando, Florida
When? February 10th
Why? Because of their successful season
How? They worked hard as a team to be successful
Who was quoted in the story? Varsity cheerleader Bridget Alvarez, coach Amie Roggemann, cheerleader Taylor Zint
What was the strongest quote? I think the first quote from Bridget Alvarez is the strongest and really was the main concept of the story.
Did the lead sentence make you keep reading? The title itself made me.

One story from A7: Austyn Keelty shares her ideas and opinions on high school love. She says that it is based on a person's opinion on what love actually means for them to think if someone can actually love in high school. Science says that love is more than just a feeling, that it's chemicals in the body that are associated with them.

Who? Teenagers
What? Falling in love
Where? In high school
Why? Because they meet someone special to them and they begin to fall for them.
How? Getting to know them and sharing a bond that is strong.
Who was quoted? No one was quoted
What was the strongest? No quote
Did the lead sentence make you keep reading? Yes, it pulled me in!

One story from B3: Nintendo released the app "Super Mario Run" back in 2016. They thought releasing the app would increase sales due to the big demand for mobile games, but that's not the case. The market was disappointed in the lack of content and the hefty amount of money you need to play the game.

Who? Nintendo
What? Released Super Mario Run app and is now loosing money
Where? App stores
Why? Because of the lack of content
How? People did not want to pay 10 dollars for the app
Who was quoted? No quotes
Best quote? No quotes
Did the lead sentence make you keep reading? Yes! I had no idea that Nintendo totally failed with this app.

Photo 1-
The photo is a bit boring but goes with the story. The principle is just typing at a desk, while a better shot would have been interacting with students or other teachers. The photo is in black and white, but for the most part the photo is correctly taken.
What rule of composition do you see in the photo? Rule of thirds
What or who is the main subject? The principle
Is the photo exposed properly? yes
Do you see evidence of a shallow or deep depth of field? Shallow

Photo 2-
The photo is exciting and relates to the story very well. It lighting is good along with the focus. It works well on the page and draws attention to the story.
What rule of composition do you see in the photo? Leading lines
What or who is the main subject? Celeste Hermes and her horse
Is the photo exposed properly? Yes
Do you see evidence of a shallow or deep depth of field? Depth of field.

Photo 3-
The lighting works well considering the photo was taken in a pretty dark room with black walls. The photo is okay but would match the story better if they were working on something or the photo had more colors.
What rule of composition do you see in the photo? Leading lines
What or who is the main subject? The tech crew
Is the photo exposed properly? Yes
Do you see evidence of a shallow or deep depth of field? Shallow

Photo 4-
The lighting is good in this photo and the photo has a good amount of iso and shutter speed. The photo works good with the story.
What rule of composition do you see in the photo? Stop the action
What or who is the main subject? Kate Stubbs
Is the photo exposed properly? Yes
Do you see evidence of a shallow or deep depth of field? Depth of field

Photo 5-
The photo is not focused very well, and it might be because of the paper, but it is not focused on the sign or the girls head. The photo, if properly focused, goes very well with the story.
What rule of composition do you see in the photo? Framing
What or who is the main subject? Either the sign or the girls head, or the balloon.
Is the photo exposed properly? Yes
Do you see evidence of a shallow or deep depth of field? Neither
Over All-
What is your favorite photo in the entire paper? The photo of the women kissing on the last page.
Why is this your favorite? It goes so well with the story and stands for so much equality.
What rules of photo composition are evident? Cropping
What is your least favorite photo in the entire paper? The photo on the back of the newspaper of the sign.
Why is this your least favorite? It is not focused on anything.
If you were a photographer on staff, which event/photo assignment would you have liked to do for this issue? You will need to look through the entire paper and see the topics covered and decide which one you think would have been fun.
The women march, because I actually went to that, and I know a lot about it.
Overall, how would you rate the photography in this issue? What were the strong points and weak points, write 2-3 sentences.
I would rate this from a 1-10 as an 8. Because it had a lot of different articles that interests a lot of different people, I think it really improved the paper. 

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