Thursday, February 2, 2017

CE #4.3

1. It forces majority vote in in the senate to name the new supreme court member.
2. They gave all their money to the UT medical school.
3. They make microchips.
4. The award winner was Della Garza.
5. You can make the room totally black, add lots of seating, add lots of pillows,  and light a fire.

The Senate 4 Bill doesn't let local government inquire someone's status of immigration in custody, and won't let them transfer prisoners into the federal immigration system. This bill is for increasing the number of penalties against the local government that doesn't comply and will increase the security in universities. Austin will be impacted by causing an uproar and increase in protest because many citizens support undocumented immigrants and will find the bill unfair. I am in favor of the sanctuary cities because I believe that there should be safe havens in the United States but there should also be encouragement to apply for legal citizenship. Someone can come to the US and be safe from prosecution but should not just stay illegal for the rest of their time here. 

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