Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Final Exam Review

1. Timeliness- having to work fast on a project/ article before it is no longer relevant. 
2. Proximity- A deadline
3. Human Interest- Having a group pf people who would enjoy or relate to your story. 
4. Prominence- being important. 
5. Conflict- A problem 
6. Interviews- Asking someone questions for a writing piece. 
7. Research- Looking up information.
8. Quotations- The use of a quote in a story. 
9. Yes-no question - a question that can be answered with yes or no.
10. follow-up question- Another question that relates to a previous question. 
11. Objective writing- A factual article. 
12. Transition paragraph- A paragraph that introduces a quote. 
13. Hard news story- An important or deep story
14. Soft news story- a fun or light hearted story. 
15. Inverted Pyramid- using the most important information first. 
16. Third-person point of view- Writing about someone else. 
17. 5 Ws and H lead- Who, what, when, where, why, how
18. editing- correcting 
19. attribution- Giving credit to someone (citing)
20. paraphrase- To shorten
21. fragmentary quotation- an uncompleted quote.
22. direct quotation- In quotation marks
23. partial quotation- An incomplete quote
24. Uses of quotations- when someone said something that you are putting in a story
25. When to use quotations- When someone else said it. 
26. When quotations are unnecessary or not desired- When you can use it as a fact 
27. Editorial- and article written by opinion 
28. editorial page- a page that people summit their opinions/ feelings over something. 
29. columns- the form a newspaper article is written in or an article. 
30. editorial that criticizes- a article that criticizes a product, person or place
31. editorial that explains- an article that explains something. 
32. editorial that persuades- an article that persuades you to buy or go somewhere.
33. letter to the editor- a letter to an editor or publication. 

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

CE #3.2

1. It could of been 62%.
2. You can tell by the art that the author is being sarcastic, and that they do not really mean what they are saying. The guy looks a little kooky and his shirt is a conspiracy theory that is going against what he is saying.
3. The Merry Christmas law is when you can celebrate Christmas but you can't force or impose the religion or holiday onto students/staff.
4. Whole foods is being removed from the index because it is for the top 100 largest finical companies and Whole Foods has declined in sales since 2009.
5. Harry Potter yoga is special because it's all Harry Potter themed. You can use spells and use wands and imagine yourself almost being in Hogwarts. Fans can take a hobby to the next level.

In the article, it talks about how the older staffers who worked in the crime lab are going to be let go due to troubles and mistakes made. Out of 6 total, four will be let go while two of them will be kept to go through training once more. Many department officials have lost trust and faith in the ADP. ADP plans to go forward though, making further improvements and changes to their department. They have been shut don do to incorrect ways or practices they were using with the DNA evidence. Travis county will be having a lose towards this, the community needs and wants answers to questions that DNA evidence gives to some cases in the area. The fact that the ADP has been slacking and been improperly using the DNA and unacceptable. Due to this fact, the police department should take over because they maybe can run it better than the current leaders of the department. The police and the crime labs work hand and hand, it would only make sense if the police officials made the choice.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

CE #3.1

1. 11 people were injured at the Ohio State attack.
2. The word of the year is xenophobia and it means fear of foreigners or people of different cultures.
3. They can't escape the taxpayers and parents on their controversial policy which affects 5,000 students.
4.  Elise would like to have dinner with her mom, dad, and brother.
5. The app allows you to send messages through video and doesn't require you to be on the phone consistantly like in a video chat.

Trump made a threat through Twitter that if Cuba is unwilling to cooperate, he will cease relations with the country. He would want Cuba to cooperate by granting more freedoms to their people and the American people, as well as strengthening ties with the country as a whole. Some people believe this assertive take on the sensitive subject was the right way to go, because it will urge stronger ties and travel between the US and Cuba. However, other thought it will more than a single tweet to bring change about the relations between these two powers. Whatever your opinion on the controversy, the fact that we need to take a new approach on how relations with Cuba are handled is paramount.

Cutting off ties with Cuba would be a dumb decision, since we are already trying to move forward with them. We should not go backwards, we need to keep moving forwards with making stronger bonds with Cuba.

I would like to visit Cuba but I would only stay for a very short amount of time. I would only go if it was safe and secure for an American to visit legally. 

New relations under the Obama administratoin have helped commerce travel, commerce, and the flow of information to Cuba.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

CE 3.2

1. Nikki Haley, Ben Carson, and Steve Munchin are raising concerns with critics.

2. They have made new procedures to which officers have to alert supervisors if someone has felt suicidal, or has in the past.

3. Perks Inc is a mobile rewards software which lets the members make points through watching videos or shopping to redeem them for gift cards.

4. Dede Westbrook- Oklahoma Sooners, Lamar Jackson - Louisiville Cardinals, Jabrill Peppers- Michigan, Deshaun Watson- Clemson, and Baker Mayfield- Oklahoma Sooners are the five candidates.

5. If you go to Pt. Reyes, CA you can go on a meteor shower kayak adventure and a colored pencil workshop.

This story takes place in West Texas. The victory was that Iran High school football team advanced to semi finals.The tragedy was that the cheerleaders bus crashed on the way home from the game. The story uses quotes to further explain the story. This feature story is written in first person which is what we have been told not to do. I think the writer did that because they wanted it to be from personal experience.