Thursday, October 27, 2016

CE #2.3

1. The chief Art Acevedo is threatening to fire some police officers because they are breaking police conduct and not reporting all internal affairs.

2. The fee for not paying for insurance is less than the premiums you pay for insurance, so they would rather pay a fee than monthly high premiums.

3. To earn a micromajor, you must take 4 classes, 2 have to be dual credit or dual enrollment and the other 2 have to be actual college courses. The students or counselors can nominate themselves for a micromajor.

4. Taylor Swift was the headliner at the concert and Louis Hamilton won the race.

5. I would love to MM&M Walking Tour and watch The Nightmare before Christmas.

I don't believe Texas has turned completely purple yet. Texas is a Republican dominant state and with this poll of Trump leading with on 7 points, it strikes my interest. I think the other races in our state are actually going to the polls this year to show their support. Trump dominates with older white people, while Hillary dominates with the younger people with racial diversity. And in Texas, we do have a lot of racial diversity. I think if the mexicans or black people do go to the polls, we will see that impact.

The poll was conducted by asking a group of people who they were voting for. Over half of those people were white, with about 20% hispanic and about 20% black. I don't think this poll can be that accurate, they did not go to enough people of color or just enough people in general- more people equals more accurate polling scores.

The people that were polled were asked what was the biggest issue, and the #1 issue they had was with immigration and border control. Us in Texas experience this problem head on due to the fact Texas borders Mexico. They also said the economy and jobs were very important, as well as education and health care. Those are all important issues, but i'm not surprised climate change made it into the top problems they said. I do believe climate change is the biggest problem here, because climate change effects the whole earth and how we live. If we do not make a change to dangerous gases being released into the air or the use of non renewable resources we will be facing the consequences soon. This problem really does effect the new generations as well as our daily lives now. We have the scientific evidence we need to back up the cause, all we need to do is just to let people believe that this is an issue that needs to be dealt with.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

SNO Online Papers

Bradley Barto wrote Obama disallows trans bathroom discrimination.

Bradley's story is about the new laws with transgender bathrooms and why it is wrong that some states are banning it. He believes it should be a person's right to go into the bathroom they identify with.

"The Eagle’s Eye editorial board believes that the Obama administration is doing the right thing and is taking huge steps in the right direction for the rights of transgender students."

They did give the other side of the story, but also told us why what they think is wrong.

I don't believe they were wish-washy at all, they had good strong facts that could back up the situations people are looking after.

No direct quoted used in this piece.

This piece is written in first person, you can tell by the use of the word "we."

Gender Stereotypes Costly for High School Women written by Emily Brediencach 

The story was about how media depicts the stereotypical and ideal image of how a woman should look, how unattainable these standards are, and how these portrayals are negativity effecting young girls. 

"Media images are quite a deviation from reality."
The author discussed that the media may be appealing to the straight- white male demographic through the views of women in different forms of media, and how uniform this standard is viewed.

The author stayed matter of fact when they discussed this topic, not going back on their ideals but considering the reasons as to why women are depicted in these ways.

There are no quotes in the story.

 The story was written in 1st person.

Gloria Gatica wrote Feminism Strikes Against Male Sexism

The story was about clearing up misconceptions about feminists and feminism, staying clearly their beliefs and challenging common thoughts people have on the group.

"I am a feminist because I don't think it's fair for women to have less rights or to have less opportunities."

 Yes, the author addressed the common misunderstandings that outsiders have on feminism and feminists beliefs.

No, the author was very mater of fact in her writing and stayed true to her views.

There was one quote by Mike Buchanan, leader of Justice for Men and Boys.

The story was written in 2nd person point of view.

Huntington Story

Around 10 pm in Barstow, California 53 year old Janice Jones was shot in her car by her dog knocking the 9 mm handgun off a seat and it discharged a bullet right into her leg.

Janice was eating pork chops with her dog in her motor home when the incident took place. According to Rye, a Californian Highway patrol officer, "It could of been a lot worse... The bullet hit 2 inches away from the gas tank."

Jones was soon taken to the Irvine Medical Center to get her wounds treated while her dog was taken by animal control.

"It could have been done with a little less abuse and a few more pork chops." Janet Ngo said, one of the animal control officers.

The dog was found to be malnourished and had fresh cigarette burns to his skin. Ngo said she might file animal abuse charges, as well as Rye charging her for the gun related accident.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

CE #2.2

1. The lab and the police department are attached, and some of the techniques used in the lab were starting to get questioned.

2. Laura's opinion is that the Texas cases are not fair and if you remove the structures to determine a death row, you will loose the power of the Texas Legislative.

3. It only deals with how transgenders are handled in bathroom/locker room situations, not overall.

4. They didn't tell their customers the "unlimited" data plans aren't actually unlimited, so once you hit a limit of data, it slows down your phone and service.

5. They think Dak Prescott should be the new quarterback for the rest of the season.

Last night the final presidential debate was on, starring the two presidential nominees Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. Donald being for the Republican party, he said he would revoke the choice to abortion while Hillary believes that a woman should have a choice and that we have come too far to go back. They were talking mostly about the problems the Supreme Court face.

The second amendment is a hot topic, with Donald Trump not being for any kind of gun control (like the typical Republican) which Hillary still stands for the second amendment, she believes we should be smarter and safer with the rules and laws surrounding guns. Now Obama has been trying to work on some kind of gun control for the past few years because of all the massive shootings that take place.

I believe abortion should be legal; women should be making the choices they want for their bodies, not old men telling them what they can and cannot do. Taking away abortion is just taking away another right. And I do believe we should have gun control. In recent years we have been having so many mass shootings and attacks because these people are getting their hands on guns too easily.

I do not believe in anything Donald Trump says, I believe he is all self defense with no actual facts to back up his statements. Hilary on the other hand has facts and has plans- which she tries to explain but of course Trump interrupts her every 2 minutes. I think she has everyone's interests at heart while Trump really is for a specific kind of person. I think if we want to advance with our country, Hilary should take the lead. She knows what to do in terms of making sure people will have equal oppurtinies no matter what race, ethnicity, or gender you are.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Opinion Writing Preview

Inequalities evident in campus sports

No writer shown, editorial

Their story was about how in school sports women are not allowed to run/exercise in their sports bras while a man can take off his shirt and it be seen as okay. In other sports as well some of the uniforms can be a little bit inappropriate as in too short or too tight but it be seen as okay because they are made to dress like that.

The opinion is that if men can do something, women should too. People should be able to wear what they want when they are exercising."If one gender is allowed this privilege, then the other should be able to use it. Girls should be allowed to remove their shirts and just wear their sports bras to cool down as long as guys are allowed to run without a shirt."

No they didn't, they only talked about their side.

I don't believe it was wish-washy, it was just laying down facts.

No quotes were included in this piece.

They wrote this in 3rd person.

Changes in the iPhone 7

Harrison  Louis wrote this piece.

Harrison's story was about how he believes the iPhone 7 is the best phone on the market. The new features and upgrades are a lot more impressive than other companies.

"While the updates may seminar. they're all been necessary updates Apple should have made a while ago, which is why I believe the iPhone 7 is the best phone on the market right now."

He addressed the fact that people don't like how the phone doesn't come with a headphone jack and then gave them why that isn't a problem.

No they were not wish-washy.

There are no quotes in Harrison's story.

His story was in 1st person.

Stricter finals incentive

Douglas Smith wrote this piece.

Douglas's story was about how last year the incentives were great, being able to use an unlimited amount, but now this year you can use 2 if you're a senior or junior and 1 if you are a freshman or sophomore.

"The way I saw it, this was just another action by the school that was taking any students freedom, even if we had only gotten those liberties in the last year, current;y I share the opinion of many other students on the matter which is a combination of resignation and discontent.

He didn't say the other side of the story, he just told his point of view.

Douglas kinda was, acknowledging the fact maybe if there was another way kids with AP classes should have more incentives than regular classes kids.

There is no quotes in this story.

This was written in 1st person.

Changes to schedule cause issues both in school and after school.

This story was written by Ian Miller.

Ian's story is about how the new A/B schedule that now includes fit for 20 minutes everyday is completely unfair due to the fact of now school is 20 minutes longer and due dates for classes are different due to different days.

"I think these changes made to the schedule are extremely unnecessary and unfair."

Their opinion was certainly not wishy-washy. They made it clear what they think is how it is.

There are no quotes in this story.

This was written in 1st person.

Epicene costs raises concerns over financial problems

This was written by Maria Demopoulos.

 This story is about the cost raise in the Epipen over the years and how it's unfair to the people who do have allergies and need them.

"The price for this life saving tool is incredibly ridiculous and inhuman to charge an amount for something that saves lives."

Not completely, but she did talk about the alternative to the Epipen that is cheaper.

This is not wishy-washy.

There are no quotes in this story.

This is in 1st person.

The differences in a hard news story and an opinion piece is that a news story only tells the facts, the story. An opinion piece is their story with it and how they feel.

There are not that many photos because it is telling how something effects them, not on the spot events.

Dress code, how school should get out earlier, why a female should be president, and how there shouldn't be any homework.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Personal Essays

1. Write about something the reader can relate to, something they can say "That's happened to me before."
2. Make sure they can't feel your emotion, just let them see your emotion.
3. I will make sure to connect all ideas back to myself to relate it back to "home." Make sure to have a hooking question, and a strong statement to really set your opinion.